C H A P T E R  1

SunHSI/P Device Driver Software

These Platform Notes include instructions for installing and configuring the software used by the SunHSI/P adapter and patch panel.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Software Overview

The SunHSI/P device driver offers comprehensive compatibility with Solsticetrademark WAN software packages. The driver acts as a transparent interface that provides a compliant environment for the SunLinktrademark wide area network (WAN) packages that currently operate on similar communication modules.

The protocols that operate with the SunHSI/P adapter include systems network architecture (SNA) 3270, SNA Peer-To-Peer, open systems interconnection (OSI), X.25, internetwork router (IR), point-to-point protocol (PPP), and Frame Relay.

Installing the Driver Software

The Solaris CD, which accompanies these Platform Notes, contains the software required by the SunHSI/P adapter.

procedure icon  To Install the Driver Software

1. Become superuser.

2. Use the prtconf -pv command to determine if the system contains a SunHSI/P adapter.

# prtconf -pv | grep pci1214,334
    compatible: 'pci1214,334' + 'pciclass,078000'
    name:  'pci1214,334'

Note Note - pci1214,334 is the hardware identification label for the SunHSI/P adapter. If you see it listed in the prtconf output, your system contains a SunHSI/P adapter.

3. Use the pkginfo command to check the system for previous versions of the Sun HSI/P software.

Finding the SunHSI/P 1.0 package:

# /usr/bin/pkginfo | grep SUNWhsip
system   SUNWhsip    Sun HSI/P Driver for PCI

Finding the SunHSI/P 2.0 packages:

# /usr/bin/pkginfo | grep SUNWhsip
system   SUNWhsip     SunHSI/P Driver for PCI
system   SUNWhsipm    SunHSI/P Man Pages for PCI
system   SUNWhsipu    SunHSI/P Utilities for PCI

Caution -

Do not overwrite any existing SunHSI/P software packages.If you install the SunHSI/P software packages over existing SunHSI/P software packages, you will have two instances of the software packages. This may cause problems when installing or backing out of software patches.

4. Install the SunHSI/P software as described in the Solaris Sun Hardware Platform Guide that shipped with these Platform Notes.

When you have completed the software installation of your software, and the pkgadd utility has run the post-installation script, you will have created the devices illustrated FIGURE 1-1 .

FIGURE 1-1 SunHSI/P Software Device Files

procedure icon  To Confirm the Software Installation

1. Use the following command to test the installation of the hardware and software.

Replace n with the SunHSI/P port you want to test.

# hsip_loop -c 100 -l 2048 -s 2048000 -t 1 hihpn

This command will run an internal loopback test to check the SunHSI/P port. For more information, see the hsip_loop(1m) man page.

Configuring the Software

Use the SunHSI/P supplied system commands hsip_init , hsip_loop and hsip_stat to configure your system. While this section provides a short description of each command, please refer to their man pages for more information.

The following man pages are included with the SunHSI/P software:

The hsip_init command enables you to modify some of the hardware operating modes common to synchronous serial lines. This can be useful in troubleshooting a link or when operating a communications package. See Appendix A for information about T1 and operating mode hsip_init options.

The hsip_loop command performs several loopback tests that are useful in exercising the various components of a serial communications link.

The hsip_stat command reports the event statistics maintained by the SunHSI/P device driver. The report may be a single snapshot of the accumulated totals or a series of samples showing incremental changes. Prior to these it prints the device name being used to query a particular device.

Note Note - You must be superuser (root user) to run the hsip_init, hsip_stat or hsip_loop utilities.

SunVTS Diagnostic Testing

The SunVTS trademark software executes multiple diagnostic hardware tests from a single user interface. It is used to verify the configuration and functionality of most hardware controllers and devices. You operate the SunVTS software primarily from a user interface that enables you to control all aspects of the diagnostic test operation.

The sunlink diagnostic test, which is shipped with the SunVTS software, checks the functionality of SunHSI/P adapters. This test can be run from the SunVTS user interface or from the command line. Refer to the SunVTS Test Reference Manual for more information about the sunlink test.

Note Note - Some of the sunlink tests require a RS-449 loopback plug, which can be ordered through Sun (part number 540-1430).

Refer to the SunVTS manuals for detailed information about the SunVTS software. These documents are available on the Sun Documentation web site ( http://docs.sun.com/ ).