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Checklists for Replacing an FC-AL Disk Drive

This section provides a summary of the tasks required to replace a disk drive on a Sun StorEdge A5x00 array or a Sun Fire 880 system running UFS, Volume Manager, or Solstice DiskSuite software. To complete the tasks listed below, you need to complete these procedures:

Replacing a Disk Drive Using UFS

Replacing a Disk Drive Using Volume Manager

Replacing a Disk Drive Using Solstice DiskSuite
TABLE B-1 Slice and command Information



Simple Slice

Use normal recovery procedures.

Stripe or Concatenation

Run newfs for the entire metadevice; restore from backup.


Reattach detached submirrors.

RAID5 metadevice

Resync (enable) affected slices.

Trans Metadevice

run fsck(1M) .