SM81-2 SuperSPARC II Module
SC2000 Option 1178
- The minimum operating system is Solaris 2.4 and Patch
- Patch
enables the Multiple Command Mode.
- Patch
fixes a watchdog reset problem that may occur when more
than 12 modules are installed.
- Solaris 2.4 requires Patch
if SunFastEthernet is installed.
- SC2000 Boot PROM 2.23 is required on all system boards.
- Mixing different module types is not supported.
- The maximum XDBus speed of the MXCC is 50MHz.
- The 15A Fuse at F0600 is not field replaceable.
SuperSPARC Module Installation Guide, 802-1372.
SuperSPARC Module Product Note, 801-5015.
SC2000 Option 1178
- The minimum operating system is Solaris 2.4 and Patch
- Patch
enables the Multiple Command Mode.
- Patch
fixes a watchdog reset problem that may occur when more
than 12 modules are installed.
- Solaris 2.4 requires Patch
if SunFastEthernet is installed.
- SC2000 Boot PROM 2.23 is required on all system boards.
- Mixing different module types is not supported.
- The maximum XDBus speed of the MXCC is 50MHz.
- The 15A Fuse at F0600 is not field replaceable.
SuperSPARC Module Installation Guide, 802-1372.
SuperSPARC Module Product Note, 801-5015.
SC2000 Option 1178
- The minimum operating system is Solaris 2.4 and Patch
- Patch
enables the Multiple Command Mode.
- Patch
fixes a watchdog reset problem that may occur when more
than 12 modules are installed.
- Solaris 2.4 requires Patch
if SunFastEthernet is installed.
- SC2000 Boot PROM 2.23 is required on all system boards.
- Mixing different module types is not supported.
- The maximum XDBus speed of the MXCC is 50MHz.
- The 15A Fuse at F0600 is not field replaceable.
SuperSPARC Module Installation Guide, 802-1372.
SuperSPARC Module Product Note, 801-5015.
- The minimum operating system is Solaris 2.4 and Patch
- Patch
enables the Multiple Command Mode.
- Patch
fixes a watchdog reset problem that may occur when more
than 12 modules are installed.
- Solaris 2.4 requires Patch
if SunFastEthernet is installed.
- SC2000 Boot PROM 2.23 is required on all system boards.
- Mixing different module types is not supported.
- The maximum XDBus speed of the MXCC is 50MHz.
- The 15A Fuse at F0600 is not field replaceable.
SuperSPARC Module Installation Guide, 802-1372.
SuperSPARC Module Product Note, 801-5015.