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Alarm Board

Netra ct 400

Option 7160

FRU Assembly

Motherboard 501-5620 with Daughterboard 501-5650
Daughterboard 501-5649


  1. The minimum operating system is Solaris 8 HW: 6/00.
  2. CR1632 Battery 150-2850 is installed on 501-5620.
  3. The PCMCIA cutout was removed from 540-4406-07 Rev 51.
  4. The PCMCIA circuitry was removed from 540-4406-08 Rev 50.
  5. FRU assembly 540-4406 includes 501-5620, 501-5649, and 501-5650.
  6. The FPROM on Alarm Board <=540-4406-04 is not field programmable.


  1. Netra ct Server Service Manual, 806-3296.
  2. Netra ct Server Alarm Card Installation Manual, 806-3300.
  3. Remote System Control User's Guide, 806-3301.

Alarm Board

Netra ct 800

Option 7161



  1. The minimum operating system is Solaris 8 HW: 6/00.
  2. CR1632 Battery 150-2850 is installed at BT0401.
  3. The FPROM on Alarm Board <=501-5610-07 is not field programmable.
  4. The PCMCIA cutout and circuitry was removed from 501-5610-11.


  1. Netra ct Server Service Manual, 806-3296.
  2. Netra ct Server Alarm Card Installation Manual, 806-3300.
  3. Remote System Control User's Guide, 806-3301.

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