SS10 / SS20
Option 178 501-2001
- The minimum operating system is Solaris 2.2 and Prestoserve 2.4.1.
- One NVSIMM or one SBus Prestoserve is supported.
- Install the NVSIMM in SS10 connector J0301 or J0202.
- Install the NVSIMM in SS20 connector J0305 or J0304.
- Install a shunt at J1001 to enable the battery backup mode.
- The SS20 requires NVSIMM >=501-2001-02.
- The Panasonic BR3032 Battery is not replaceable.
SPARCstation 10 NVSIMM Installation, 801-3386.
Prestoserve User's Guide, 801-4896.
2.4.1 Prestoserve Release Note, 801-4897.