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Sun StorEdge 3310 Array LEDs

Front Panel LEDs

LED Name LED State Status Description
Disk Drive Solid Green Good Driver power up and spin up OK
Blinking Green Good Drive activity
Solid Yellow Failed Drive failure
Power (light bulb icon) Solid Green Good Power supply good
Solid Yellow Failed One or more output voltages out-of-range
Fan Solid Green Good Fan operating at over 3150 RPM
Solid Yellow Faulty/Failed Fan operating at under 3150 RPM
Temperature (thermometer icon) Solid Green Good Under temperature threshold of 55º C
Solid Yellow Failed Temperature threshold equal to or over 55º C
Blinking Yellow Failed Temperature threshold equal to or over 60º C
Event (caution icon) Solid Green Good Normal operation of RAID controller and EMUs
Solid Yellow Faulty/Failed Abnormal event in EMU
Blinking Yellow Faulty/Failed Abnormal event in RAID controller or failed RAID controller


RAID Controller LEDs

LED Name State Description
Activity Inactive Not active
Blinking Green Controller busy
Solid Green Controller data in cache
Solid Yellow Power lost and data in memory
Status (wrench icon) Slow Blinking Green Good - primary controller
Solid Green Good - secondary controller
Solid Yellow Failed controller
Battery Blinking Green Battery is charging
Solid Green Battery is fully charged
Solid Yellow Battery failed
Ethernet (bottom left and right corners of the connector) Amber Ethernet link is connected and working
Blinking Green Ethernet link is transmitting or receiving data


Power Supply/Fan LEDs

LED Name State Description
Power Supply/Fan Solid Green Power supply and fan good, fan operating at over 3150 RPM
Solid Yellow Power Supply - Failed, one or more output voltages out of range*
Fan - Faulty/Failed, fan operating at under 3150 RPM
* Voltage Thresholds: +5 VDC +/- .25VDC, +12VDC +/- .6 VDC
* Current Thresholds: +5 VDC 35A, +12 VDC 25 A


I/O Module LEDs

    I/O Module for RAID Array

    I/O Module for Expansion Unit (JBOD)

LED Name State Description
TERM Solid Green Auto termination enabled
Inactive Auto termination disabled
ERROR Blinking Green Invalid single or dual cable configuration
Solid Yellow Failed I/O module
Inactive Valid single or dual bus configuration and I/O module is good
SNGL Solid Green Cabled for single bus configuration
Inactive Cabled for dual bus configuration


EMU Module LEDs

LED State Description
Solid Green Good EMU module
Solid Yellow Failed EMU module


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