SPARCstation ELC (Sun-4/25)
501-1861 |
501-1730 |
8MB |
I/O Board Connectors
SIMM Installation
MEM1 U0407 |
MEM2 U0408 |
MEM3 U0409 |
MEM4 U0410 |
8MB |
4MB |
4MB |
12MB |
4MB |
4MB |
4MB |
16MB |
4MB |
4MB |
4MB |
4MB |
16MB |
16MB |
20MB |
16MB |
4MB |
24MB |
16MB |
4MB |
4MB |
28MB |
16MB |
4MB |
4MB |
4MB |
32MB |
16MB |
16MB |
36MB |
16MB |
16MB |
4MB |
40MB |
16MB |
16M |
4M |
4MB |
48MB |
16MB |
16MB |
16MB |
52MB |
16MB |
16MB |
16MB |
4MB |
64MB |
16MB |
16MB |
16MB |
16MB |
- The minimum operating system is SunOS 4.1.1c.
- Use 4MB x 33-bit SIMM 501-1812-01 or 501-1698-01.
- Use 16MB x 33-bit SIMM 501-1822-01.
- Install the first SIMM in U0407.
- Bug 1047696 affects the installation of SunOS 4.1.1 and 4.1.1 Rev B,
if 4MB and 16MB SIMMs are mixed. Install the 16MB SIMM in U0407 when
installing miniunix.
- The fuses are not field replaceable.
- SPARCstation ELC Installation and Repair Guide, 814-5048, SunOS 4.1.1.
Power On Self Test Error Codes
Type-4, Type-5, and Type-5c Keyboard