Nortel/bay routers and rancid

stefmit stefmit at
Fri Jun 6 18:57:22 UTC 2003

Here is what I have:


add password router password (tried also {password}
add user router user (tried alternatively with the above, {user})
add userprompt {Login:} 
# the above is the only one getting me to the $ prompt, all other options
# (e.g. {"Login:"}) leaving me at the Login: prompt!
add autoenable router 1
add userpwassword password 
# lqast two lines tried without, with one at a time, with both, etc.

With all five lines above, in the form I have them now, get me as far as the $ 
prompt, which is one step before the bcc.

When running the suggested:

blogin -c "help" router

I still stop at the $ prompt - no "help" and no logout.

Any ideas of what could be wrong at this level?


On Friday 06 June 2003 07:03 am, Mark Cooper wrote:
> I did the original port to the Nortel/Bay platform, and brancid will run
> bcc to get the configs. blogin does *not* do a bcc unless told to by
> brancid or a 'blogin -c etc etc'
> Can you confirm that blogin can successfully login and run commands? You
> should be able to do something like:-
> 	blogin -c "help" <device>
> and it should login to the device, run the help command, and then exit
> without any errors. If it doesn't do this, brancid will not work either :)
> I don't have access to any Nortel/Bay devices anymore so i'm a bit
> limited in the support I can provide.
> stefmit wrote:
> > Thank you for your answer.
> >
> > To clarify a little bit: bcc is [a sort of] enable. After one gets the
> > "regular" prompt, certain things can be carried out from there on, but
> > this level of CLI is very limited, so additional steps have to be pursued
> > for full access to configuration, i.e. moving into bcc. Here is how it
> > usually works:
> >
> > telnet <bay-router>
> > Login: <username>
> > Password: <passwd>
> > <bay>$ bcc <CR>
> > bcc> configure
> > bcc# --> this is (in my opinion) the equivalent of Cisco's enable ... but
> > I may be wrong. I was hoping someone has a Bay/Nortel router (really,
> > really nobody out there?!?), and can confirm my supposition in regards to
> > how far blogin or do-diff should get into.
> >
> > I guess the only alternative I have is to look into rancid's code, to see
> > if the "bcc" assumption is correct, or what else I can do.
> >
> > Thx again,
> > Stef
> >
> > On Thursday 05 June 2003 10:38 pm, you wrote:
> >>Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 03:48:53PM -0500, stefmit:
> >>>Has anybody been able to use rancid with Nortel routers? I have a BCN
> >>> and I have tweaked the configs in all possible ways, but blogin won't
> >>> go beyond the login (first level) ... i.e. never kicking in bcc. And -
> >>> besides that - when doing blogin, vs. a regular telnet, I cannot log
> >>> out - I have to CTRL/C the process.
> >>
> >>i do not have one myself and i dont know what "bcc" is.  but, if you get
> >>logged-in, followed by a prompt and then can not do anything, i would
> >>suspect that your .cloginrc is misconfigured if the bcn has a concept
> >>of "enable" (or entering privledged mode).
> >>
> >>see the autoenable .cloginrc knob.

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