The nisping Command
The nisping command is used to:
Display when a replica was last pinged as described in "Displaying When Replicas Were Last Updated".
Force the master server to ping a replica if the automatic ping cycle has not been successful as described in "Forcing a Ping".
Checkpoint servers as described in "Checkpointing a Directory".
Displaying When Replicas Were Last Updated
When used with the -u option, the nisping command displays the update times for the master and replicas of the local domain.
/usr/lib/nis/nisping -u [domain] |
To display the last updates in some other domain, specify the domain name in the command line. Note that when used with the -u option, the nisping command does not actually ping any replicas.
For example, to display the most recent replica update times for the local domain, you would enter:
rootmaster# /usr/lib/nisping -u Last updates for directory Master server is Last update occurred at Wed Nov 25 10:53:37 1992 Replica server is Last update seen was Wed Nov 25 10:53:37 1992 |
Forcing a Ping
If the nisping -u command reveals that a replica has not been properly updated, you can use the nisping command to force the master server to ping all the replicas in a domain, or one replica in particular.
To ping all the replicas, use the nisping command without options:
/usr/lib/nis/nisping |
This forces the master server to ping all the replicas in the domain. Here is an example that pings all the replicas of the local domain:
rootmaster# /usr/lib/nis/nisping Pinging replicas serving directory Master server is Last update occurred at Wed Nov 25 10:53:37 1992 Replica server is Last update seen was Wed Nov 18 11:24:32 1992 Pinging ... |
To ping all the replicas in a domain other than the local domain, append a domain name:
/usr/lib/nis/nisping domainname |
You can also ping all the tables in all the directories on a single specified host. To ping all the tables in all the directories of a particular host, us the -a option:
/usr/lib/nis/nisping -a hostname |
Checkpointing a Directory
Each domain and subdomain should be checkpointed at least once every 24 hour, or more often if the transaction log grows too large in relationship to swap space or total disk space.
Note - Checkpointing large domains, or any domain with a large transaction log, is a time-consuming process which ties up NIS+ servers and slows NIS+ service. While a server is checkpointing, it will still answer requests for service, but it will be unavailable for updates. If possible, checkpoint operations should be scheduled for times when system use is low. You can use the cron file to schedule checkpoint operations.
To perform a checkpoint operation, run nisping -C on the domain's master server. It is good practice to first ping all replicas before checkpointing. This ensures that the replicas are checkpointing data that is current and up to date.
To checkpoint a particular directory, run the nisping command with the -C directoryname option. For example,
rootmaster# /usr/lib/nis/nisping rootmaster# /usr/lib/nis/nisping -C org_dir
To checkpoint all the directories in the local domain, run the nisping command with the -C -a options. For example,
rootmaster# /usr/lib/nis/nisping rootmaster# /usr/lib/nis/nisping -C -a |
Once a server has transferred information from the server's transaction log to the appropriate NIS+ tables, the transactions in the log file are erased to conserve disk space.
For example, to checkpoint all of the directories in the domain, you would enter:
rootmaster# /usr/lib/nis/nisping -C -a Checkpointing replicas serving directory : Master server is Last update occurred at Wed May 25 10:53:37 1995 Master server is checkpoint has been scheduled with Replica server is Last update seen was Wed May 25 10:53:37 1995 Replica server is checkpoint has been scheduled with |
The nislog Command
The nislog command displays the contents of the transaction log.
/usr/sbin/nislog /usr/sbin/nislog -h [number] /usr/sbin/nislog -t [number] |
Table 18-5 Options for the nislog Command
Option | Purpose |
-h [num] | Display transactions starting with the head (beginning) of the log. If the number is omitted, the display begins with the first transaction. If the number 0 is entered, only the log header is displayed. |
-t [num] | Display transactions starting backward from the end (tail) of the log. If the number is omitted, the display begins with the last transaction. If the number 0 is entered, only the log header is displayed. |
-v | Verbose mode. |
Displaying the Contents of the Transaction Log
Each transaction consists of two parts: the particulars of the transaction and a copy of an object definition.
Here is an example that shows the transaction log entry that was made when the directory was first created. "XID" refers to the transaction ID.
rootmaster# /usr/sbin/nislog -h 1 NIS Log printing facility. NIS Log dump: Log state : STABLE Number of updates : 48 Current XID : 39 Size of log in bytes : 18432 ***UPDATES*** @@@@@@@@@@@@@@TRANSACTION@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #00000, XID : 1 Time : Wed Nov 25 10:50:59 1992 Directory : Entry type : ADD Name Entry timestamp : Wed Nov 25 10:50:59 1992 Principal : Object name : ...................Object...................... Object Name : org_dir Owner : Group : Domain : Access Rights : r---rmcdr---r--- Time to Live : 24:0:0 Object Type : DIRECTORY Name : `' Type: NIS Master Server : . . ................................................ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@TRANSACTION@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #00000, XID : 2 |