Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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:w command (ex
, index term link
~w command (mailx)
, index term link
w command (vi)
, index term link
W command (vi)
, index term link
-w option (lp command)
, index term link, index term link
WAN (wide area network), defined
, index term link
whatis command
, index term link, index term link
who am i command, remote login
, index term link
who command
, index term link
wide area network (WAN), defined
, index term link
wildcard characters
asterisk (*)
changing permissions with
, index term link, index term link
copying files with
, index term link
deleting files with
, index term link
grep command
, index term link, index term link
vi search command
, index term link
dot (.), vi search command
, index term link
closing to icons, keyboard equivalent
, index term link
opening icons, keyboard equivalent
, index term link
"word" command (vi)
, index term link
changing (vi)
, index term link
deleting (vi)
, index term link
moving to end of word (vi)
, index term link
moving one word (vi)
, index term link
searching for beginning of (vi)
, index term link
working directory
, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link
:wq command (ex)
, index term link
wrapped lines, command entry and
, index term link
write permission
, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link


X11 server, security fundamentals
, index term link, index term link
x command
, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link
~x command (mailx)
, index term link
X command (vi)
, index term link
xauth program
, index term link, index term link, index term link
.Xauthority file
, index term link, index term link
xhost command, running networked applications with
, index term link
xhost program
, index term link, index term link, index term link
.xinitrc file, Compose Key disabling/enabling
, index term link
xmodmap command
, index term link, index term link
Xsun command
-auth option
, index term link, index term link
-noauth option
, index term link, index term link, index term link


Y command (vi)
, index term link, index term link
yank command (vi)
, index term link, index term link
yy command (vi)
, index term link, index term link


z command (mailx)
, index term link
Z shell
command for
, index term link
command prompt for
, index term link, index term link
environment variables for
See .zshrc file
help for
, index term link
home directory specification
, index term link
repeating commands and
, index term link
user profile file for
See .zshrc file
.zlogin file
location of
, index term link
zombie state
, index term link
zsh command
, index term link
.zshrc file
environment variables in
commonly used
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
set commands
, index term link
umask (file permissions)
, index term link
location of
, index term link
ZZ command (vi)
, index term link
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