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~t command (mailx)
, index term link
-t option (lp command)
, index term link
-t option (lpstat command)
, index term link, index term link
TC shell
command for
, index term link
command prompt for
, index term link, index term link
environment variables for
See .tcshrc file
help for
, index term link
home directory specification
, index term link
repeating commands and
, index term link
user profile file for
See .tcshrc file
tcsh command
, index term link
.tcshrc file
environment variables in
commonly used
, index term link
, index term link
set commands
, index term link, index term link
umask (file permissions)
, index term link
, index term link
location of
, index term link
temporary files, deleting
, index term link
TERM environment variable
, index term link
environment variables for
, index term link, index term link
from which command started
, index term link
See quitting
TERMINFO environment variable
, index term link
text mode (vi)
, index term link, index term link
tilde (~)
aborting remote connection
, index term link
home directory specifier
, index term link, index term link
in mail
, index term link
suspending remote connection
, index term link
vi case toggle
, index term link
vi editing screen marker
, index term link
tilde commands (mailx)
inserting a message
, index term link
, index term link
literal tilde entry
, index term link
, index term link
replying to email
, index term link
sending carbon copies
, index term link, index term link
starting vi while composing email
, index term link
summary of
, index term link
viewing a complete message
, index term link
time zone, setting
, index term link
titling printouts (lp)
, index term link
To: prompt (mailx)
, index term link, index term link
See changing
top of screen, moving to (vi)
, index term link
touch command
, index term link
traced state
, index term link
troff program
, index term link
troubleshooting, vi
, index term link
typing mistakes
See correcting typing mistakes
TZ environment variable
, index term link


u command
, index term link
, index term link
:u command (ex)
, index term link
U command (vi)
, index term link
-u option (lpstat command)
, index term link
umask command
, index term link, index term link
undeleting mail
, index term link
undeliverable messages
, index term link
Undo operation, keyboard equivalent
, index term link
undoing changes (vi)
, index term link, index term link
undoing keyboard remapping
, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link
undoing undo
keyboard equivalent
, index term link
, index term link
See case sensitivity
user-based access control
, index term link, index term link, index term link
User category
, index term link
user names, defined
, index term link
-user option (find command)
, index term link
user profile file
, index term link
environment variables in
, index term link, index term link
location of
, index term link
user types, for setting permissions
, index term link
/usr/openwin/bin/xauth program
, index term link, index term link, index term link


~v command (mailx)
, index term link
-v option
grep command
, index term link
lpstat command
, index term link
/var/mail directory
, index term link
version number, mailx program
, index term link, index term link
vertical bar (|), pipe symbol
, index term link
vi editor
, index term link, index term link
appending text
, index term link
, index term link
Caps Lock key and
, index term link
case sensitivity
command names
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
case toggle
, index term link
changing text
, index term link, index term link, index term link
command mode
, index term link
case sensitivity
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
summary of
, index term link, index term link
copying lines
ex command
, index term link, index term link
vi commands
, index term link, index term link
creating files
, index term link
cursor movement
See moving around in files
deleting text
ex command
, index term link, index term link
vi commands
, index term link
, index term link
editing screen
, index term link, index term link
entry mode
, index term link, index term link
Esc key and
, index term link
ex commands and
See ex commands
inserting files
, index term link, index term link
inserting text
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link
last-line mode
, index term link
line numbering
, index term link, index term link
mailx use of
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
moving around in files
See moving around in files
moving lines
ex command
, index term link
vi commands
, index term link
multiple, simultaneous sessions
, index term link
multiple-file editing
, index term link
"No write since last change" message
, index term link
opening files
, index term link
opening lines
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
printing files
, index term link, index term link
put command
, index term link, index term link
and saving changes
, index term link
without saving changes
, index term link
read-only version
, index term link
redrawing screen
, index term link
repeating commands
, index term link
saving changes
and quitting
, index term link
without quitting
, index term link
scrolling in
, index term link, index term link
searching and replacing
, index term link, index term link, index term link
shell environment variable for
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
status line
, index term link
substituting characters
, index term link
text entry
, index term link, index term link
troubleshooting unpredictable behavior
, index term link
undoing changes
, index term link, index term link
undoing undo
, index term link
yank command
, index term link, index term link
vi search command
, index term link
view command
, index term link, index term link
See display
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