| IndexA
- Access Control List
, , 
- See Access Control List
- acquiring context information
- acquiring credentials
- address types for channel bindings
- anonymous authentication
- anonymous name format
- authentication
, ,  - anonymous
,  - flavor
,  - mutual
, , 
- authentication flavor
- authorization
- calling errors
- channel bindings
, ,  - address types for
,  - protection of information
- client
- client-side sample program
- comparing names
- confidentiality
, , , 
- confirming data transfer
- context
, ,  - acceptance
, , ,  - deletion
, ,  - establishment
,  - expiration
,  - exportation
,  - exporting
, ,  - handle
,  - import and export
, ,  - information about, acquiring
,  - initiation
,  - using loop to establish
, , 
- context handle
- context-level tokens
, , 
- credential cache
- credential handle
- credentials
, ,  - acquiring
, ,  - credential handles
,  - default
,  - delegation
,  - expiration
,  - lifetime of
,  - structure of
,  - supported types
,  - types of
- cryptographic checksum (MIC)
- data
- See also message
- confirming receipt of
- deallocation
,  - deletion
,  - encryption
,  - maximum size for wrapping
,  - out-of-sequence detection
,  - replay detection
,  - signing
,  - unwrapping
,  - verifying
- data protection
- data replay
- data types
, , ,  - gss_buffer_desc
,  - gss_channel_bindings_t
,  - gss_OID_desc
,  - gss_OID_set_desc
,  - implementation of specific
,  - integers
, ,  - names
,  - strings
- default credential
- delegation
, , 
- detection
- out-of-sequence
, , ,  - replay
, , 
- displaying status codes
- encryption
,  - data message
- error codes
- See status codes
- /etc/gss/mech file
- /etc/gss/qop file
- exported name
- exporting contexts
, , , 
- file
- /etc/gss/mech
,  - /etc/gss/qop
,  - gssapi.h
, , 
- flavor
- See security flavor
- format of anonymous names
- function
- from previous versions of GSS-API
,  - gss_accept_sec_context
,  - gss_acquire_cred
, ,  - gss_add_cred
,  - gss_canonicalize_name
,  - gss_compare_name
, ,  - gss_delete_oid
,  - gss_display_name
,  - gss_display_status
,  - gss_export_context
,  - gss_export_sec_context
,  - gss_get_mic
, ,  - gss_get_mic vs. gss_wrap
,  - gss_import_name
,  - gss_import_sec_context
,  - gss_init_sec_context
,  - gss_inquire_context
,  - gss_oid_to_str
,  - gss_seal
,  - gss_sign
,  - gss_str_to_oid
, ,  - gss_unseal
,  - gss_unwrap
,  - gss_verify
,  - gss_verify_mic
,  - gss_wrap
, ,  - gss_wrap_size_limit
,  - list of
,  - memcmp
,  - recv_token
,  - renamed or supplanted
,  - send_token
,  - Sun-specific
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