C H A P T E R 4 |
Plumbing and Unplumbing SunATM Interfaces |
This chapter describes how to start the SunATM software on your system or use the atmifconfig utility to connect and disconnect individual SunATM interfaces without rebooting the system.
This chapter contains the following sections:
The newly added SunATM packages no longer require a reboot. Use pkgadd to install the packages and then set up the ATM-specific configuration files as specified in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 . Finally, execute the /etc/init.d/sunatm script to bring your entire network up.
Analogously, /etc/init.d/sunatm stop will bring the network down and kill ATM related daemons. These 'start' and 'stop' options can also be used to start and stop all ATM network activity when reconfiguring the ATM interfaces.
When the system is rebooted, the /etc/init.d/sunatm start command will be automatically executed, and thus your network will be up and running when the multi-user login prompt appears.
The atmifconfig utility allows interfaces to be added, modified, or removed without rebooting the system by setting up and tearing down the streams necessary to use an ATM device. This setting up and tearing down of streams is referred to as plumbing and unplumbing .
The two required parameters for the utility are an interface name and plumbing instructions. If an interface is being set up for native ATM applications (no TCP/IP) or for Classical IP, the interface name should have the format ba N , where N is the instance number. For LAN Emulation instances, the interface should have the format lane N , where N is the LAN Emulation instance number.
The second required parameter is the plumbing instruction. There are four possible values: plumb, unplumb, plumb-all, and unplumb-all. The plumb and unplumb options will set up or tear down the specified interface. The plumb-all and unplumb-all options will set up or tear down all ATM instances on the specified physical interface. In this case, the interface parameter must be a ba N value, since this specifies the physical interface name. This will set up or tear down all the ATM instances on this physical interface, including up to 16 LAN Emulation instances and the Classical IP instance.
A summary of the parameter options for the atmifconfig utility is provided in TABLE 4-1 .
The following example shows the use of
and the output of
ifconfig -a
before and after the utility is run.
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