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Chapter 34

Maintaining Solaris Live Upgrade Boot Environments (Tasks)

This chapter explains various maintenance tasks such as keeping a boot environment file system up to date or deleting a boot environment. This chapter contains the following sections:

Overview of Solaris Live Upgrade Maintenance

Table 34-1 Overview of Solaris Live Upgrade Maintenance



For Instructions

(Optional) View Status

  • View whether a boot environment is active, being activated, scheduled to be activated, or in the midst of a comparison

  • Compare the active and inactive boot environments

  • Display the name of the active boot environment


  • View the configurations of a boot environment

(Optional) Update an inactive boot environment

Copy file systems from the active boot environment again without changing the configuration of file systems

"Updating a Previously Configured Boot Environment"

(Optional) Other tasks

  • Delete a boot environment

  • Change the name of a boot environment

  • Add or change a description that is associated with a boot environment name

  • Cancel scheduled jobs

Displaying the Status of All Boot Environments

Use the Status menu or the lustatus command to display the information about the boot environment. If no boot environment is specified, the status information for all boot environments on the system is displayed.

The following details for each boot environment are displayed:

  • Name - Name of each boot environment.

  • Complete - Indicates that no copy or create operations are in progress and the boot environment can be booted. Any current activity or failure in a create or upgrade operation causes a boot environment to be incomplete. For example, if a copy operation is in process or scheduled for a boot environment, that boot environment is considered incomplete.

  • Active - Indicates if this is the active boot environment.

  • ActiveOnReboot - Indicates if the boot environment becomes active on next reboot of the system.

  • CopyStatus - Indicates if the creation or copy of the boot environment is scheduled, active, or in the process of being upgraded. A status of SCHEDULED prevents you performing live upgrade copy, rename, or upgrade operations.

To Display the Status of All Boot Environments (Character Interface)

  1. From the main menu, select Status.

    A table similar to the following is displayed:

    BE_name             Complete  Active  ActiveOnReboot  CopyStatus
    disk_a_S7            yes       yes     yes              -         
    disk_b_S7database    yes       no      no              COPYING     
    disk_b_S8            no        no      no               - 

    Note - In this example, you could not perform copy, rename, or upgrade operations on disk_b_S8 because it is not complete, nor on disk_b_S7database, because a live upgrade operation is in progress.

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