| IndexNumbers and Symbols
- $OPENWINHOME/lib/openwin-sys
- accessing ToolTalk data from machines not running a ToolTalk database server
- accessing ToolTalk databases
- adding a message pattern callback
- adding callbacks to static patterns
- adding files to scoped patterns
- adding inter-operability functionality
- adding ToolTalk code
, - Xedit files
, - Xfontsel files
- adding values to spec properties
- address attribute
- address attributes
- addressing
- otype
- addressing messages, methods of
- algorithm
- object-oriented message delivery
, - process-oriented message delivery
- allocating storage space
- allocation stack
- alt.soft-sys.tooltalk
- API header file, including in program
- application programming interface (API)
- application types, installing
- architecture
- arg_add call
- args attribute
- assigning otype, for specs
- attributes
- address
, , - arg
, - class
, - op
, - scope
, , - setting
- attributes, of message patterns
- background jobs
- barg_add call
- batch sessions
- broken references
- C2 qualification
- callback routines
, - invoking
- callback routines, adding to message patterns
- callbacks, attached to static patterns
- callbacks, for handlers
- calls provided to manage information storage
- CASE Interoperability Message Sets
- changing ToolTalk-enhanced shell commands
- checking ToolTalk databases
- checking ToolTalk error status
- class attribute
- close function
- communication process
- comparing objids
- components of the ToolTalk service
- computational loops
- connecting processes to the same session
- context arguments
- context slots, used to create environment variables
- contextdcl
, ,
- contexts, defined
- contexts, to restrict matching
- convert ToolTalk type data
- converting ToolTalk types, script for
- cp command
- cpp command
- creating a ptype file
- creating dynamic message patterns
- creating general messages
- creating messages
- creating object-oriented messages
- creating otype files
- creating process-oriented messages
- creating specs
- database
- check and recovery tool
, - records
- database server
- installing ToolTalk
, - process
, - redirecting
, - redirecting file system partitions
, - redirecting host machines
- database server redirection files
- database utility ttdbck
- databases
- accessing ToolTalk
, - check and repair utility, ttdbck
, - displaying, checking, and repairing of ToolTalk
, - maintaining ToolTalk
- debugging, with ttsnoop
- default session
- joining
, - quitting
- delete message
- deleting message patterns
- message patterns
- deleting
- deleting messages
- demonstration
- demostration programs
- edit_demo
, , - ttsample1
- des
- deserializing structured data
- Desktop Services
- Started
- Desktop Services Message Set
- destroying message patterns automatically
- destroying messages
- destroying specs
- determinging spec properties
- determining who receive messages
, ,
- disposition attributes
- Document and Media Exchange Message Set
- dynamic message patterns
, - creating
- dynamic method
| |