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Sun Fire[tm] V880 Server: Field Information Notices

The following list does not include related external storage FINs, unless they are specific to the system.

Implementation (Impl.):
= Mandatory (Fully Pro-Active)

= Controlled Pro-Active (per Sun Geo Plan)

= Reactive (As Required)


Components Affected Description
Assy CPU Dual Cheetah+ 900MHz (501-6334-03 or later) Sun Fire V880 and V480 systems with 900 MHz UltraSPARC III+ Mask 2.3 CPUs will be unable to boot unless firmware version 4.6.3 or later is installed. Older versions of firmware will not recognize the Mask 2.3 CPUs and POST will fail during the JTAG SCAN ID test.
Motherboard (501-6323-xx) In specific Sun Fire V880 configurations, the picld environmental daemon may fail with continuous error messages being sent to the console. Picld eventually falls into a degraded mode, causing it to no longer keep track of environmental conditions. This has the potential for system damage if allowed to continue for extended periods.
Fiber channel disks Power management issue causes loss of access to internal fiber channel disks on the Sun Blade 1000/2000, Sun Fire V880, V480, and 280R.
ASSY CPU-4PROC USIIIP 900+ MHz (540-5052-02 or lower)
ASSY CPU-2PROC USIII 750MHz (540-4729-04 or lower)
ASSY CPU-4PROC USIII 750MHz (540-4730-04 or lower)
ASSY CPU-2PROC USIIIP 900+ MHz (540-5051-02 or lower)
ASSY CPU DUAL 750MHz AL A30 (501-5818-06 or lower)
ASSY CPU-4GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4934-03 or lower)
ASSY CPU-8GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4992-02 or lower)
ASSY CPU-16GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4990-03 or lower)
ASSY CPU-32GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4993-02 or )
ASSY CPU-2GB/2PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4984-02 or lower)
Guidelines for understanding and diagnosing UltraSPARC III Level 2 (L2) SRAM Cache Memory Errors.
Filler Blank CPU A30 (330-2580-01)
ASSY Filler CPU A30 (540-4431-0)(
Sun Logistics has received a significant number of orders for Sun Fire V880 CPU/Memory Board Air Baffles, P/N 540-4431-01. There should be no need to order this non-FRU part because every V880 system ships with 3 extra baffles. This FIN will describe the location of these spare baffles and provide information for their use.
Gigabit Ethernet (501-5209-07 or lower) UltraSPARC III systems may panic due to a conflict between the Schizo 2.4 ASIC and the GigaSwift Ethernet PCI Card.
Sun Fire 280R
Sun Fire V480
Sun Fire V880
A security issue exists for Sun Fire 280R, V480 and V880 servers where a non-root user could change component LED states or control fan speeds. By using a client PICL (Platform Information and Control Library) program, a user could stop the fans on a server which would result in system overheating and shutdown.
OBP 4.6.{0-6} with Solaris 9 update 1 or later Multiple-CPU systems based on the Safari Bus which run OBP version 4.6.{0-6} and Solaris 9 Update 1 (09/02) or later versions may fail to boot due to an interrupt problem. On Sun Blade 1000 and Sun Blade 2000 systems, a boot of Solaris will hang when the second CPU is brought online. Other Safari Bus platforms running OBP 4.6.{0-6} may also be affected by this issue, although no failures have been reported.
Console Access Repeated "fru: Device busy" console messages may cause loss of console access on Sun Fire V880 systems.
ASSY CPU-4PROC USIIIP 900+ MHz (540-5052-02 or below)
ASSY CPU-2PROC USIII 750MHz (540-4729-04 or below)
ASSY CPU-4PROC USIII 750MHz (540-4730-04 or below)
ASSY CPU-2PROC USIIIP 900+ MHz (540-5051-02 or below)
ASSY CPU DUAL 750MHz AL A30 (501-5818-06 or below)
ASSY CPU-4GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4934-03 or below)
ASSY CPU-8GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4992-02 or below)
ASSY CPU-16GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4990-03 or below)
ASSY CPU-32GB/4PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4993-02 or below)
ASSY CPU-2GB/2PROC USIII 900+ MHz (540-4984-02 or below)
UltraSPARC III based platforms could be susceptible to Correctable Fast ECC (UCC) errors that could cause a system panic resulting in loss of service of the system. Any UltraSPARC III based server running Solaris 8 without PatchId 108528-15 can be affected. Systems running Solaris 9 are not affected, and pre-Solaris 8 is not supported on these platforms. This issue has typically been seen on 900MHz UltraSPARC III based processors, although other UltraSPARC III based processors have been impacted as well.
Sun Fire V880
Sun StorEdge A5200
After removing an FC-Al disk from either the internal disk sub-system of a V880 or from an A5X00. As a result of the disks have been under the control of Veritas Volume Manager 3.2, An 'Invalid device structure' error message can be seen. This causes the replacement of the disks to fail. When this happens, a reboot is needed at this point to correct affected devices. Having to reboot the system nullifies disk hotswap a valuable RAS feature.
ASSY,IFB-LITE+ (375-3069 / X3685A) A specific batch of XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator boards was programmed with incorrect FRU ID information. This information may be confusing to field personnel when it is displayed with the 'fbconfig' command. This is a serviceability issue which has no impact on product functionality.
Sun Fire V880, DIMM error DIMM error messages on Sun Fire V880 systems with Solaris 8 Updates 5 and 6 make it difficult to identify the failing DIMM.
Seagate 36GB disk (540-4525-01), Seagate 73GB disk (540-4905-01) Seagate ST336605FC 36GB and ST373405FC 73G drives could be susceptible to label corruption.
VxVM 3.xx Media kit VERITAS VxVM 3.2 and up has new procedure to support multipathed JBOD disks.
OBP 4.4.7 / Patch 112186-02 Upgrading the OBP firmware on Sun Fire V880 systems from version 4.2.9 or 4.2.10 to 4.4.7 sets an incorrect value for the variable "diag-script". This variable is normally used by Sun Operations to execute a customized version of POST and OBDiag. The incorrect value for "diag-script" found in OBP version 4.4.7 will cause the voltage and frequency of the Safari Bus to be margined.
UltraSPARC III family processors (see FIN for list of part numbers affected) Issues with the diagnosing of "send mondo" panics in systems based on the UltraSPARC III family of processors have been noticed. The UltraSPARC III family of processors includes both the UltraSPARC III and UltraSPARC III Cu processors. The frequency and misdiagnosis of the issue seems to be increasing and in many cases has caused customer dissatisfaction due to parts being replaced unnecessarily and the occurrence of additional outages.
Memory DIMMs Too many Memory DIMMs are being unnecessarily replaced on UltraSPARC III family of systems utilizing NG-DIMM memory
Ethernet RIO Interface (eri) driver Sun Servers which utilize the "eri" driver could be susceptible to Ethernet link errors or hangs.
Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1401 (390-0025-01) Toshiba DVD-ROM drives (390-0025-01) cannot boot future Solaris releases from DVD media without a firmware patch.
PGX32 CARD (X3668A)
SunBlade 1000 System Board (501-4143-15 or lower)
SunBlade 1000/Sun Fire 280R System Board (501-5938-07 or lower)
Sun Fire 3800 cPCI I/O ASSY (540-4591-01)
Sun Fire 4800/4810/6800 PCI I/O ASSY (540-4616-01)
Sun Fire 4800/4810/6800 cPCI I/O ASSY (540-4617-03)

If the Emulex FC HBA card is placed on the same PCI Bus with any other PCI card which causes the Schizo chip to attempt a 64-bit PIO, a system panic would most likely result. The problem will not occur if the Emulex HBA card is installed alone on a PCI Bus. UltraSparc-III platforms utilizing the Schizo 2.1 or 2.2 ASIC may experience panics due to address parity errors on the PCI Bus. The problem has been seen on the Sun Fire 280R with the Emulex FC HBA card in combination with a PGX32 card installed on the same PCI Bus. This condition occurs when a card on the PCI Bus detects a 64-bit parity address error on the PCI Bus while another card on the same PCI Bus is performing a 64-bit PIO. The following error messages are displayed prior to a system panic:

WARNING: pcisch-0: PCI fault log start:
PCI error occurred on device #6
dwordmask=0 bytemask=0 PCI primary error (0):
pcisch-0: PCI secondary error (0):
pcisch-0: PBM AFAR 0.00000000:
pcisch-0: PCI config space error status (4280):
signaled system error. pcisch-0:
PCI fault log end.
panic[cpu1]/thread=2a10000bd40: pcisch-0: PCI bus 2 error(s)!


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