| IndexNumbers and Symbols
- 4.3 Tahoe file system
- 9660 CD format
- accessing
- disk devices
, , - pathnames for removable media
, - removable media (how to)
, - tape devices
- adding
- a device driver (how to)
, - a disk (overview)
- IA
- a package, example of
, - a package from a mounted CD (example of)
, - a peripheral device (how to)
, - a SCSI device to a SCSI bus (how to)
, - diskless client OS services (how to)
, - entry to /etc/vfstab file (how to)
, - hot-pluggable USB camera (how to)
, - multiple versions of a package
, - packages (prerequisites)
, - packages from a spool directory (example of)
, - packages from remote package server (example of)
, - packages to a spool directory (example of)
, - packages with administration files
, - packages with base directory
, - PCI adapter card (how to)
, - preparing to add OS services for diskless clients (how to)
, - run control script (how to)
, - server and client support
- description
- software with Solaris Product Registry
, , - software with Solaris Web Start
, - swap to vfstab
, - USB audio device
, - USB mass storage device with vold running
, - USB mass storage device without vold running
, - user initialization files
- Admintool
- adding and removing packages
- overview
- adding packages (how to)
, , - removing packages (how to)
- aging user passwords
, , ,
- aliases
- user login names vs.
- allocated inodes
- appliances
- definition
- archiving
- files to multiple diskettes with cpio command (how to)
, - for older SunOS releases with cpio command (how to)
- AutoClient
- definition
- autoconfiguration process
- autofs
- automounting
- and /home
, - user home directories
- backing up
- a UFS snapshot with the tar command (how to)
, - and restoring file systems
- commands for
, - definition
- choosing file systems to
, - file systems to tape (how to)
, - full and incremental, defined
, - preparing for (overview)
, - reasons for
, - types of
, - UFS snapshot (full) (how to)
, - UFS snapshot information (incremental) (how to)
- backup
- device names
, - full (level 0) backup to tape (how to)
, - record of incremental
- backup schedules
- daily cumulative, weekly cumulative backups
, - daily cumulative, weekly incremental backups
, - daily incremental, weekly cumulative backups
, - examples
, , - for a server
, - guidelines for
, - recommendations
, - using dump levels for
- bad block numbers
- bad inode number
- bad superblock
- banner command (PROM)
- bar command
- retrieving files created with (how to)
- base directory (basedir)
, ,
- basedir keyword (administration files)
, ,
- becoming superuser (root)
- bin group
- block disk device interface
- defined
, - when to use
- blocks
- bad
, - boot
, - data
, - directory data
, - duplicate
, - free
, - indirect
, - logical size
, - regular data
, - special inodes
- boot block
- boot-from PROM setting
- boot process
- description (SPARC)
, - IA
- boot types, description
- booting
- a diskless client (how to)
, - a system, guidelines
, - and PC BIOS
, - for recovery purposes (how to)
- IA
- from the network
- IA
- interactively (how to)
- IA
- the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant (how to)
- IA
- to force a crash dump and reboot (how to)
- IA
- to run level 3
- to run level 3 (how to)
- IA
- to run level S
- to run level S (how to)
- IA
- with the kernel debugger (how to)
- IA
- Bourne shell
- basic features
, , - environment variables and
, , , - shell (local) variables and
, , , - user initialization files and
, , , , , ,
- Break key
, ,
- BSD Fat Fast File system
- bus-oriented disk controllers
, , ,
- bytes (number per inode)
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