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C shell
basic features
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environment variables and
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shell (local) variables and
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user initialization files and
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CacheFS file systems
checking with fsck command (example of)
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checking with fsck command (how to)
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collecting CacheFS statistics (overview)
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creating (how to)
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creating a packing list (how to)
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deleting (how to)
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displaying information about (how to)
, index term link
displaying packed files (example of)
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displaying packed files (how to)
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locating CacheFS log file
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mounting (how to)
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packing files in the cache (how to)
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packing with cachefspack command (how to)
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packing with cachefspack command (overview)
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setting up CacheFS logging (how to)
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stopping CacheFS logging
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troubleshooting cachefspack errors
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unpacking files (how to)
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viewing CacheFS statistics
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viewing working set (cache) size
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cachefspack command
how to use
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cartridge tape
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causes of file system damage
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CD-ROM devices
adding software from mounted CD
example of
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CDPATH environment variable
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cdrw command
checking CD media (how to)
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copying a CD (how to)
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creating a multi-session data CD (how to)
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creating an audio CD (how to)
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erasing CD-RW media (how to)
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extracting an audio track on a CD (how to)
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identifying CD media (how to)
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restricting access to (how to)
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writing data and audio CDs (overview)
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ISO 9660 format
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SPARC vs. IA format
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PCI hot-plugging (overview)
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SCSI hot-plugging (overview)
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cfsadmin command
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default boot device
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directory ownership for user accounts
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file ownership for user accounts
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primary USB audio device (how to)
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user ID numbers
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user login names
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user passwords
by user
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frequency of
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Users Tool
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character special inodes
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and repairing file systems
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CacheFS file systems (example of)
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CacheFS file systems (how to)
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CD media (how to)
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file system size
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file systems interactively
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format and type of inodes
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free blocks
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free inodes
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inode list for consistency
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installed packages (example of)
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clean shutdown
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clri command
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CacheFS statistics (overview)
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a SCSI controller with cfgadm command (how to)
, index term link
a SCSI device with cfgadm command (how to)
, index term link
a USB device(how to)
, index term link
a SCSI controller (how to)
, index term link
a USB device(how to)
, index term link
controlling file and directory access
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a CD (how to)
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all files in a directory to tape with cpio command (how to)
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complete file systems (dd)
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directories between file systems with cpio command (how to)
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directories between file systems with cpio command (overview)
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files to diskette (overview)
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files to diskette with tar command (how to)
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files to remote tape with tar and dd commands (how to)
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files to tape with pax command (how to)
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files to tape with tar command (how to)
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files with different header format with cpio command (how to)
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groups of files with cpio command (overview)
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individual files with cpio command (overview)
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removable media information (how to)
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copying disks
with the dd command (how to)
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cp command
copying removable media information (how to)
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cpio command
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copying directories between file systems (how to)
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copying files with different header format (how to)
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extract all files from tape (how to)
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listing files on tape (how to)
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retrieving specific files from tape (how to)
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a data CD file system (how to)
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a full backup of UFS snapshot information (how to)
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a packing list (how to)
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a Solaris fdisk partition (how to)
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a UFS file system (how to)
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a UFS snapshot
example of
, index term link
a UFS snapshot (how to)
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an audio CD (how to)
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an incremental backup of UFS snapshot (how to)
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compatible archives with cpio command (how to)
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disk slices and labeling a disk (how to)
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file systems (overview)
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loopback file system (overview)
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multi-session data CD (how to)
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swap file
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temporary file system (TMPFS) (how to)
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.cshrc file
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custom parameters for file systems
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customizing user initialization files (how to)
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cylinder group
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