Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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daemon group
, index term link
daily cumulative backups
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daily discrete backups
, index term link
damage to file systems
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data block
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data directory blocks
, index term link
dd command
cloning disks (how to)
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copying files to remote tape with tar command (how to)
, index term link
, index term link
retrieving files from remote tape drive with tar command (how to)
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file system for /tmp (TMPFS)
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mount options
, index term link
SunOS file system
, index term link
delay (rotational)
, index term link
CacheFS file systems (how to)
, index term link
diskless client OS services (example of)
, index term link
diskless client OS services (how to)
, index term link
UFS snapshot information
example of
, index term link
UFS snapshot information (how to)
, index term link
user home directories
, index term link
user mailboxes
, index term link
detecting end of media
cpio command
, index term link
ufsdump command
, index term link, index term link
file system types
, index term link
mounted file systems
, index term link
system's run level (how to)
, index term link
tape device name
, index term link
type of tape drive
, index term link
who is logged in to a system
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/dev/dsk directory
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/dev/rdsk directory
, index term link
devfsadm command
, index term link
device driver
, index term link
, index term link
device instance name
, index term link
device names
, index term link
finding a file system name
, index term link
finding tape
, index term link
, index term link
when to turn off power to
, index term link
df command
, index term link, index term link
dfstab file
configuring for shared local removable media (how to)
, index term link
user home directory sharing and
, index term link
direct disk controllers
, index term link
direct I/O
, index term link
base directory (basedir)
, index term link, index term link
changing ownership for user accounts
, index term link
controlling access to
, index term link, index term link
copying between file systems with cpio command (overview)
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
PATH environment variable and
, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
unallocated blocks
, index term link
run control script (how to)
, index term link
user accounts
passwords and
, index term link, index term link
Users Tool
, index term link
a SCSI controller (how to)
, index term link
a USB device subtree (how to)
, index term link
adding to a (overview)
, index term link
automatic configuration of SCSI drives
, index term link
connecting a system disk
, index term link
creating disk slices and labeling a disk (how to)
, index term link
formatting a (overview)
, index term link
repairing defective sectors
, index term link, index term link
when to format (overview)
, index term link
disk-based file systems
, index term link
disk controllers
, index term link
disk label
creating (overview)
, index term link
, index term link
examining with prtvtoc command (how to)
, index term link
disk slices
, index term link
determining which slices to use
, index term link
displaying information about (overview)
, index term link
requirements for system configurations
, index term link
accessing on other systems (example of)
, index term link
archiving files to multiple with cpio command (how to)
, index term link
copying files to with tar command (how to)
, index term link
listing files on with tar command (how to)
, index term link
with volume management
, index term link
loading with volume management (how to)
, index term link
mounting remotely (example of)
, index term link
retrieving files from with tar command (how to)
, index term link
diskless client management commands
add OS services
, index term link
diskless clients
adding OS services for (how to)
, index term link
booting (how to)
, index term link
, index term link
deleting OS services (example of)
, index term link
deleting OS services (how to)
, index term link
preparing to add OS services (how to)
, index term link
adding to a (overview)
, index term link
connecting a secondary disk (example of)
, index term link
connecting a secondary disk (how to)
, index term link
, index term link
connecting a system disk (how to)
, index term link
creating a file system on a new disk (how to)
, index term link
, index term link
creating disk slices and labeling a disk (example of)
, index term link
creating disk slices and labeling a disk (how to)
, index term link
determining if formatted (how to)
, index term link
displaying slice information (how to)
, index term link
examining a disk label (how to)
, index term link
formatting a (how to)
, index term link
identifying on a system (how to)
, index term link
labeling a (how to)
, index term link
recovering a corrupted disk label (how to)
, index term link
recovering a corrupted disk label (overview)
, index term link
detailed information about packages (example of)
, index term link
device information
, index term link
disk slice information (overview)
, index term link
environment variables
, index term link
installed software information
, index term link
packed files (example of)
, index term link
packed files (how to)
, index term link
PCI device information (how to)
, index term link
removable media user (how to)
, index term link
SCSI device configuration information (how to)
, index term link
swap space
, index term link
system configuration information
, index term link, index term link
UFS snapshot information (how to)
, index term link
USB device information (how to)
, index term link
user mask
, index term link
dmesg command
, index term link
IA example
, index term link
SPARC example
, index term link
file system
, index term link
driver not attached message
, index term link
dump levels
daily, cumulative backups
, index term link
daily, discrete backups
, index term link
, index term link
duplicate blocks
, index term link
, index term link
dynamic reconfiguration
, index term link
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