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, index term link
global core file path
setting with coreadm
, index term link
global priorities
, index term link
, index term link


hard disk
recommended for print server
, index term link
history log (print requests)
, index term link
holidays file
, index term link
host name
, index term link
host-resident fonts
downloading (overview)
, index term link
hostid command
, index term link, index term link


init process
, index term link
initializing quotas
, index term link, index term link, index term link
host-resident PostScript fonts (how to)
, index term link
PostScript fonts (how to)
, index term link
interface program (printer)
customizing (how to)
, index term link
customizing (overview)
, index term link
, index term link
interrupting programs
, index term link
iostat command
basic information display
, index term link
displaying disk utilization
, index term link
-xtc option (extended)
, index term link
, index term link


kernel thread
scheduling and
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
killing processes
, index term link, index term link
file system disk usage in
, index term link
klwp structure
, index term link
kthread structure
, index term link


large files
, index term link
last login report
, index term link
lastdate file
, index term link, index term link
lastlogin command
, index term link
printer access to forms (how to)
, index term link
user access to forms (how to)
, index term link
line discipline
, index term link
line usage monitoring
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
lineuse file
, index term link
lineuse file
, index term link
files and directories
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link
processes being executed
, index term link
local or attached printer
adding by using Solaris Print Manager (how to)
, index term link
local printer
, index term link
task map for setting up
, index term link
local printing
, index term link
lock1 file
, index term link
lock file
, index term link, index term link
log file
, index term link
log files
, index term link, index term link
cleaning out
, index term link
codes in request log
, index term link
deleting automatically
, index term link
for LP print service
, index term link, index term link
print queue
, index term link
print request history log
, index term link
, index term link
log.MMDD file
, index term link
login monitoring
last login
, index term link, index term link, index term link
number of logins
, index term link
time usage
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
loginlog file
, index term link, index term link, index term link
LP commands
, index term link
LP print service
checking basic functions of
, index term link, index term link
configuration files in
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
defining printer characteristics to
, index term link
, index term link
directories in
, index term link
files used by
, index term link
hung LP commands
, index term link
interface program
, index term link
log files
, index term link, index term link
reference information
, index term link
structure of
, index term link
tracking forms (overview)
, index term link
tracking print wheels
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
LP print service scheduler
See print scheduler
lpadmin command
adding printer description with (how to)
, index term link
adjusting printer port characteristics with (how to)
, index term link
defining font cartridges with
, index term link
defining print wheels with
, index term link
defining printer class with (how to)
, index term link
limiting access to printers with (how to)
, index term link
limiting printer access to forms with (how to)
, index term link
making banner pages optional with (how to)
, index term link
mounting font cartridge with (how to)
, index term link
mounting forms with (how to)
, index term link
mounting print wheel with (how to)
, index term link
-o banner option
, index term link
setting alerts to mount forms with (how to)
, index term link
setting alerts to mount print wheels with (how to)
, index term link
setting default printer with (how to)
, index term link
setting printer fault alerts with (how to)
, index term link
setting printer fault recovery with (how to)
, index term link
unmounting forms with (how to)
, index term link
LPDEST environment variable
, index term link
lpfilter command
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
daemon (reference)
, index term link
log files
, index term link
ls command
checking directory sizes
, index term link
-l option (size in bytes)
, index term link
-s option (size in blocks)
, index term link
-t option (newest files)
, index term link
LWPs (lightweight processes)
, index term link
displaying information on
, index term link
processes and
, index term link, index term link
structures for
, index term link
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