| B
- b escape character
- Dialers file
, - Systems file chat script
- background file mounting option
- backslash (\) in maps
, , ,
- backslash escape character
- Dialers file send strings
, - Systems file chat script
- backspace escape character
, ,
- backups
- mail servers and
- bad argument specified with index option
- bad key message
- BAD LINE message
- BAD LOGIN_UID message
- BAD OPTION message
- bad pooladm configuration
- recovery from
- BAD SPEED message
- BAD UID message
- BadRcptThrottle option
- sendmail command
- bg option
- mount command
- binding to a resource pool
- booting
- diskless client security
, - mounting file systems
- -bP option
- sendmail command
- Break escape character
, - Dialers file
, - Systems file chat script
, ,
- broadcast (SLP)
, , ,
- browsability
- disabling
, - overview
- browsing
- with an NFS URL
- buffer parameter
- /etc/default/nfslog.conf file
- bye command (FTP)
- c escape character
- Dialers file
, - Systems file chat script
- -c option
- nfsd daemon
- C. UUCP work files
- cleanup
, - description
, ,
- cache and NFS version 3
- cache file system type
- autofs access using
, ,
- cachefs option
- autofs maps
- call option (PPP)
- calling a dial-in server
- callback
- enabling dialback through chat script
, - Permissions file option
, ,
- CALLBACK option of Permissions file
, ,
- CAN'T ALLOCATE message
- CAN'T CHDIR message
- CAN'T CHMOD message
- CAN'T CLOSE message
- CAN'T CREATE message
- CAN'T FORK message
- CAN'T LINK message
- CAN'T LOCK message
- can't mount message
- CAN'T OPEN message
- CAN'T READ message
- CAN'T STAT message
- CAN'T UNLINK message
- CAN'T WRITE message
- canceling
- remote logins
- cannot receive reply message
- cannot send packet message
- cannot use index option without public option message
- carriage-return escape characters
, , ,
- CD-ROM applications
- accessing with autofs
- cfsadmin command
- accessing NFS file systems
- Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
- authentication process
, , - definition
, - example configuration
, - syntax of /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
, - task maps for configuring
, ,
- changing
- /etc/shells file
, - .forward file search path
- changing resource controls temporarily
- CHAP credentials database
- creating
- for a dial-in server
, - for trusted callers
- chat program in PPP
- See also chat script
- chat script
- creating an executable chat program
, - designing the chat script
, - examples (PPP)
- basic modem chat script
, - for an ISDN TA
, , - script for calling an ISP
, - UNIX-style login chat script
, ,
- examples for PPP
- UNIX-style login chat script
- invoking, in PPP
, - UUCP chat script field
- Chat Script field
- /etc/uucp/Systems file
- check_eoh rule set
- sendmail command
- check_etrn rule set
- sendmail command
- check_expn rule set
- sendmail command
- check-hostname script
, , ,
- check-permissions script
- check_vrfy rule set
- sendmail command
- chkey command
- enabling secure NFS
- Class field
- Devices file
- clear_locks command
- client-side failover
- enabling
, - NFS locking and
, - NFS support
, - overview
, - replicated file systems
, - terminology
- clientmqueue directory
- ClientPortOption option
- sendmail command
- ClientPortOptions option
- sendmail command
- clients
- See mail clients, NFS clients, NTP client, and PPPoE client
- displaying information about
, , , ,
- tracing calls to servers
, ,
- CLOCAL flag
- turning on and off
- closing remote system connections
- collision rate (network)
- command-line options
- sendmail command
- commands
- execute (X.) UUCP files
, , - extended accounting
, - hung programs
, - NFS commands
, - remote execution using UUCP
, , , - UUCP troubleshooting
- COMMANDS option of Permissions file
, , , - VALIDATE option
, ,
- comments
- in direct maps
, - in indirect maps
, - in master map (auto_master)
- compat_check FEATURE() declaration
- compilation flags
- sendmail command
- confFORWARD_PATH definition
, ,
- configuration examples for PPP
- CHAP authentication
, - dial-up link
, - leased-line link
, - PAP authentication
, - PPPoE tunnel
- configuration file options
- sendmail command
- configuration files
- sendmail command
, - UUCP
- configuration tasks for PPP
- authentication
, - diagnosing configuration problems
, - dial-up link
, - leased lines
, - PPPoE tunnel
- configuring
- asppp links
- UUCP databases
, ,
- mail gateways
, - UUCP
- adding logins
, , - database files
, , - shell scripts
, , - TCP/IP networks
, ,
- configuring resource controls
- connect option (PPP)
- /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file
, - example
, - running the pppoec utility
, - to invoke a chat script
- ConnectionRateThrottle option
- sendmail command
- consolidating project-related files
- ControlSocketName option
- sendmail command
- conversation key
- copying files (remote)
- using ftp
, - using rcp
, ,
- could not start daemon message
- could not use public filehandle message
- couldn't create mount point message
- CPU map variable
- CPU share configuration
- creating
- /etc/shells file
, - keyed map file
, - postmaster alias
, - postmaster mailbox
- creating resource pools
- credentials
- CHAP authentication
, - description
, - PAP authentication
, - UNIX authentication
- crontab file
- for UUCP
- crtscts option (PPP)
- configuring
, - definition
, - fixing common problems
- cu command
- checking modems or ACUs
, - description
, - multiple or different configuration files
, , - printing Systems lists
- current user
- /etc/default/nfslogd file
| |