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System Administration CommandsSUNWgfb_config(1M)


 SUNWgfb_config - fbconfig module for configuring Sun XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator


 fbconfig [-dev device-filename] [-active a | b | both | auto ] [ -res video-mode [ now | try] [noconfirm] ] [ -file machine | system ] [ -doublewide  enable | disable | reverse ] [ -multisample enable | disable | auto [ static | dynamic]] [-samples samples_per-pixel] [-g gamma-correction-value] [-gfile gamma-correction-file] [-master a | b | input ] [-buffersize [width height] | auto ]
 fbconfig [-dev device-filename] -stream a | b [ -port hd15 | dvid | svideo | auto ] [ -res video-mode [ now | try] [noconfirm] ] [ -file machine | system ] [-tile [ lr | ll | rl | rr] [ tt | tb | bb | bt] [ strma | strmb | buff]] [-offset xoff-value yoff-value] [ -slave [ enable | disable] [ internal | external]]
 fbconfig [-dev device-filename] -defaults
 fbconfig [-dev device-filename] [ -propt | -prconf | -res \? ]
 fbconfig [ -help | -list ]



SUNWgfb_config is the Sun XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator device dependent layer for fbconfig(1M). It configures the Sun XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator and some of the X11 window system defaults. The device can drive two monitors, each with a unique video stream (called stream a and stream b).

The first form of SUNWgfb_config shown in the synopsis above sets card options, which are options common to both stream a and stream b, and apply to the entire card.

The second form is used to set stream options, which are options specific to either stream a or stream b. The second form usage requires the -stream option to define which stream is affected.

Both the first form and the second form store the specified options in the OWconfig file. These options will be used to initialize the device the next time the window system is run on that device. Updating options in the OWconfig file provides persistence of these options across window system sessions and system reboots. For -res now, -try, -slave, -master, -port, and -g , the device will be immediately programmed.

The third form, which invokes the -defaults option, sets all card options and all stream options to their default values.

The fourth form, which invokes the -prconf, -propt, and -res \? options, queries the device for status that is card-specific.

The fifth form, which invokes the -help, and -list options, provides instruction on using SUNWgfb_config and a list of available devices. Additionally for the fifth form, all other options are ignored.

You can specify options for only one device at a time. Specifying options for multiple devices requires multiple invocations of SUNWgfb_config.

Only Sun XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator-specific options can be specified through SUNWgfb_config. The normal window system options for specifying default depth, default visual class, and so forth are still specified as device modifiers on the command line when the X server is started.

You can also specify the OWconfig file that is to be updated. By default, the machine-specific file in the /etc/openwin directory tree is updated. You can use the -file option to specify an alternate file. For example, the system-global OWconfig file in the /usr/openwin directory tree can be updated instead.


-dev device-filename
Specifies the device's special file. The default is /dev/fb.
-file machine | system
Specifies which OWconfig file to update. If machine, the machine-specific OWconfig file in the /etc/openwin directory tree is used. If system, the global OWconfig file in the /usr/openwin directory tree is used. If the file does not exist, it is created.
-res video-mode [ now | try [ noconfirm ] ]
Specifies the video mode used to drive the monitor connected to the specified device. If -res is invoked without specifying -stream, then the last setting for -active will determine which video-mode value(s) are modified. If -active is set to both or auto, then both stream video-mode values will be modified.

The video-mode argument specifies resolution and timing information for the display (for example, SUNW_STD_1280x1024x76). The naming convention for the video-mode specifier is: < origin >_< type >_< width >x< height >x< rate >. The elements of the specifier are described as follows:

This can be one of:
  • SUNW, Sun derived resolution
  • VESA, Video Electronics Standards Association-derived resolution
  • other, other source
This can be one of:
  • STD, normal resolution, usable by most display devices
  • DIG, resolution tuned only for LCD flat panels
  • INT, interlaced
  • STEREO, stereo
screen width in pixels
screen height in pixels
vertical frequency of the screen refresh

Note that some video-modes supported by the device, might not be supported by the monitor. The list of video-modes supported by the device and the monitor can be obtained by running SUNWgfb_config with the -res \? option (the fourth form shown in the command synopsis above).

The -res option also accepts additional, optional arguments, listed below, immediately following the video mode specification. Either now or try (try subsumes now) and noconfirm can be present.

If present, not only is the video mode be updated in the OWconfig file, but the device is immediately programmed to display this video mode. This is useful for changing the video mode before starting the window system.Note – It is recommended that you not use this suboption with SUNWgfb_config while the configured device is being used (for example, while running the window system). Unpredictable results can occur. To run SUNWgfb_config with the now suboption, first bring the window system down. If the now suboption is used within a window system session, the video mode is changed immediately, but the width and height of the affected screen do not change until the window system is exited and reentered. In addition, the system might not recognize changes in stereo mode.
Using the -res option, the user can put the system into an unusable state, with no video output. To reduce the chance of this, the default behavior of SUNWgfb_config is to display a warning message and to ask the user whether to continue. The noconfirm bypasses this confirmation. This option is useful when SUNWgfb_config is being run from a shell script.
If present, the specified video mode will be programmed on a trial basis. The user is asked to confirm the video mode by typing y within 10 seconds. Alternatively, the user can terminate the trial before 10 seconds elapse by typing any character other than y or carriage return. Such input is considered a no and the previous video mode is restored. With a negative response, SUNWgfb_config does not change the video mode in the OWconfig file; other options specified still take effect. If a carriage return is typed, the user is asked (y or n) whether to keep the new video mode. The try suboption implies the now suboption. See the warning note in the description of the now suboption, above.
Resets all option values to their default values.
Displays the current values of all options in the OWconfig file specified by the -file option for the device specified by the -dev option. Displays the values of options as they will be in the OWconfig file after the call to SUNWgfb_config completes. The following is an example display:

--- OpenWindows Configuration for /dev/fbs/gfb0 ---
OWconfig: machine
Active Streams: both
Samples Per Pixel: 2
Multisample Allocation Model: static
Multisample Mode: auto
Doublewide: disable
Gamma Correction Value: 2.22

--- OpenWindows Configuration for Stream a ---
Video Mode: SUNW_STD_1280x1024x76

--- OpenWindows Configuration for Stream b ---
Video Mode: VESA_STD_640x480x60

Displays the XVR-1000 hardware configuration. The following is an example display:

--- Hardware Configuration for /dev/fb (SUNWgfb0) ---
Type:   Sun Graphics Accelerator
Part:   501-5865
        MAJC:           32MB
        Texture:        256MB total
        3DRAM64:        5.0M pixels

Versions:  FCode 1.14  MCode 0.19  MAJC 2.1  FBC3 3.0  XChip 2.0 

Video Streams:
   Stream a
         Current resolution Setting: SUNW_STD_1280x1024x76
         Monitor/EDID data (13W3)
                 Monitor Manufacturer: SUN
                 Monitor Name:  GDM-5410
                 EDID:  Version 1, Revision 2
   Stream b
         Current resolution Setting: VESA_STD_640x480x60
         Port: svideo

Displays a list of the SUNWgfb_config command line options, along with a brief explanation of each.
-res \?
Displays list of defined video-mode names.


-active a | b | both | auto
Specifies which streams are enabled. both select both streams. The default is auto, which means whichever stream is chosen by the console.
-multisample enable | disable | auto
[ static | dynamic ]
The suboptions for -multisample are described as follows:
No multisample is possible.
Multisample is possible but is selected on a per-application basis.
All Sun OpenGL applications are rendered using multisampling.
Multisample allocation occurs at X startup/config load time. The config samples_per-pixel or max parameter specifies the depth that is pre-allocated.
OpenGL tasks allocate buffers themselves.
-samples samples_per-pixel
Specifies the number of samples/pixel to pre-allocate in static mode. Provides a hint to OpenGL in dynamic mode. The allowable choices for samples_per-pixel are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16, and max. The default is max, which means to use the maximum number of samples that can be supported with the amount of memory available.
-doublewide enable | disable | reverse
This option makes it easy for you to combine both streams into one virtual display. If you specify enable, stream a is to the left of stream b. If reverse is specified, stream b is to the left of stream b. Both will be the same resolution defined with the -res option. If you specify disable, only one stream will be enabled.
-g gamma-correction value
This option changes the gamma correction value. By default the gamma correction value is 2.22. Any value less than zero is illegal. This option can be used while the window system is running. Changing the gamma correction value will affect all the windows being displayed using gamma-corrected visuals. The gamma correction value is also saved in the OWconfig file for the next time the window system starts.
-gfile gamma-correction file
This option loads the gamma correction table from the specified file. This file should be formatted to provide the gamma correction values for R, G and B channels on each line. Each of these values should be in hexadecimal format and separated from each other by at least one space. This file should provide 1024 such triplets. An example of this file is as follows:

0x000 0x000 0x000
0x001 0x001 0x001
0x002 0x002 0x002
0x3ff 0x3ff 0x3ff

Using this option, the gamma correction table can be loaded while the window system is running. The new gamma correction will affect all the windows being displayed using gamma-corrected visuals. Note, when gamma correction is being done using a user-specified table, the gamma correction value is undefined. By default, the window system assumes a gamma correction value of 2.22 and loads the gamma table it creates corresponding to this value.

-master a | b | input
This option controls the setting frame pins on the stereo/sync connector on the device. It also controls which stream drives stereo glasses, which attach to the same connector.

If a or b is selected, the card is setup to be a sync master, and the frame sync signal from the corresponding stream will be sent out this connector.

If you select input, the card is setup to take its frame sync from another card through this connector. This sync can then be used to sync either or both streams by setting the stream-specific -slave option(s) to external.

If stereo glasses are used, the a or b options select which stream is used for the sync signal to the glasses.

-buffersize [ width height ] | auto
Explicitly allows you to specify size of managed area, which occupies all or a portion of the device's 3D RAM. The default is auto, that is, to automatically size the buffer based on the current stream resolutions. This should be sufficient for most users.


-stream a | b
Specifies for which stream options will be set. It is a required option for each of the other options in this section. It is optional for -res. Only one -stream option can be specified.
-port hd15 | dvid | svideo | auto
Directs stream b to the appropriate output connector: hd-15, dvid, or svideo. If auto, then the output connector for stream b is selected by the console. Stream a is always output through the 13W3 connector.
-tile [ lr | ll | rl | rr ]
[ tt | tb | bb | bt ]
[ stra | strb | buff ]
Stream-specific option aligns display of child stream (specified by -stream) relative to parent. Sub-options are as follows:
Align child left edge with parent left edge.
Align child left edge with parent right edge.
Align child right edge with parent right edge.
Align child right edge with parent left edge.
Align child top edge with parent top edge.
Align child top edge with parent bottom edge.
Align child bottom edge with parent bottom edge.
Align child bottom edge with parent top edge.
Parent is stream a; child must be stream b.
Parent is stream b; child must be stream a.
Parent is buffer.

An error is returned if parent and child are one in the same (for example, -stream a -tile ll tt stra). The default values are the same as the settings for -doublewide; stream a is set to ll tt buff, and stream b is set to lr tt stra.

-offset xoff-value | yoff-value
Offsets display of child stream (specified by -stream ) relative to parent and child alignment edges specified by -tile.
Number of pixels offset in horizontal direction. Positive direction is right; negative is left. Default is 0, which means the two edges touch.
Number of pixels offset in vertical direction. Positive direction is up; negative is down. Default is 0, which means the two edges touch.
-slave [ enable | disable ] [ internal | external ]
This option allows you to specify the sync source for the specified stream. internal indicates that the sync source is the other stream of this device. external indicates the sync is taken from a source outside the device. If you use external, you also need to use the card option -master input.



For a given invocation of SUNWgfb_config, if an option does not appear on the command line, the corresponding OWconfig option is not updated. It retains its previous value.

When the window system is run, if an option has never been specified through SUNWgfb_config, a default value is used. The option defaults are as follows:

-doublewidenot set
-tilell/tt/buff (for stream a)lr/tt/stra (for stream b)

The default for the -res option of none means that, when the window system is run, the screen resolution will be the video mode that is currently programmed in the device. This provides compatibility for users who are used to specifying the device resolution through the PROM.

Note – Some devices (for example, GX) do not support changing the video mode defaults through software. This means that the PROM ultimately determines the default video mode.


 Example 1. Switching Resolution of a Monitor

The following example switches the monitor type to the resolution of 1280 x 1024 at 76 Hz:

example% fbconfig -stream a -res -SUNW_STD_1280x1024x76


device special file



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:




fbconfig(1M), attributes(5)

See the dtlogin(1) man page in the CDE man page collection. Also useful is the Xsun(1) man page in the OpenWindows man page collection.

SunOS 5.9Go To TopLast Changed 1 Feb 2002

Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.