The cfgadm command provides configuration administration operations on dynamically reconfigurable hardware resources. These operations include displaying
status, (-l), initiating testing, (-t), invoking configuration state changes, (-c), invoking hardware specific functions, (-x), and obtaining configuration administration help messages (-h). Configuration administration is
performed at attachment points, which are places where system software supports dynamic reconfiguration of hardware resources during continued operation of Solaris.
Configuration administration makes a distinction between hardware resources that are physically present in the machine and hardware resources that are configured and visible to Solaris. The nature of configuration administration functions are hardware specific, and are performed by calling hardware
specific libraries.
Configuration administration operates on an attachment point. Hardware resources located at attachment points can or can not be physically replaceable during system operation, but are dynamically reconfigurable by way of the configuration administration interfaces.
An attachment point defines two unique elements, which are distinct from the hardware resources that exist beyond the attachment point. The two elements of an attachment point are a receptacle and an occupant. Physical insertion or removal of hardware resources
occurs at attachment points and results in a receptacle gaining or losing an occupant. Configuration administration supports the physical insertion and removal operations as well as other configuration administration functions at an attachment point.
Attachment points have associated state and condition information. The configuration administration interfaces provide control for transitioning attachment point states. A receptacle can exist in one of three states: empty, disconnected or connected, while an occupant can exist in one of two states: configured or unconfigured.
A receptacle can provide the empty state, which is the normal state of a receptacle when the attachment point has no occupants. A receptacle can also provide the disconnected state if it has the capability of isolating its occupants from normal system access.
Typically this state is used for various hardware specific testing prior to bringing the occupant's resources into full use by the system, or as a step in preparing an occupant for physical removal or reconfiguration. A receptacle in the disconnected state isolates its occupant from the system as much
as its hardware allows, but can provide access for testing and setup. A receptacle must provide the connected state, which allows normal access to hardware resources contained on any occupants. The connected state is the normal state of a receptacle that contains an occupant and that
is not currently undergoing configuration administration operations.
The hardware resources contained on an occupant in the unconfigured state are not represented by normal Solaris data structures and are thus not available for use by Solaris. Operations allowed on an unconfigured occupant are limited to configuration administration operations.
The hardware resources of an occupant in the configured state are represented by normal Solaris data structures and thus some or all of those hardware resources can be in use by Solaris. All occupants provide both the configured and unconfigured
An attachment point can be in one of five conditions: unknown, ok, failing, failed, or unusable. An attachment point can enter the system in any condition depending upon results of power-on tests and non-volatile
record keeping.
An attachment point with an occupant in the configured state is in one of four conditions: unknown, ok, failing, or failed. If the condition is not failing or failed
an attachment point can change to failing during the course of operation if a hardware dependent recoverable error threshold is exceeded. If the condition is not failed an attachment point can change to failed during operation as a result of an
unrecoverable error.
An attachment point with an occupant in the unconfigured state can be in any of the defined conditions. The condition of an attachment point with an unconfigured occupant can decay from ok to unknown after a machine dependent
time threshold. Initiating a test function changes the attachment point's condition to ok, failing or failed depending on the outcome of the test. An attachment point that does not provide a test function can leave the attachment point in the unknown condition. If a test is interrupted, the attachment point's condition can be set to the previous condition, unknown or failed. An attachment point in the unknown, ok, failing, or failed conditions can be re-tested.
An attachment point can exist in the unusable condition for a variety of reasons, such as inadequate power or cooling for the receptacle, an occupant that is unidentifiable, unsupported, incorrectly configured, etc. An attachment point in the unusable condition
can never be used by the system. It typically remains in this condition until the physical cause is remedied.
An attachment point also maintains busy information that indicates when a state change is in progress or the condition is being reevaluated.
Attachment points are referred to using hardware specific identifiers (ap_ids) that are related to the type and location of the attachment points in the system device hierarchy. An ap_id can not be ambiguous, it must identify a single attachment
point. Two types of ap_id specifications are supported: physical and logical. A physical ap_id contains a fully specified pathname, while a logical ap_id contains a shorthand notation that identifies an attachment point in
a more user-friendly way.
For example, an attachment point representing a system's backplane slot number 7 could have a physical ap_id of /devices/central/fhc/sysctrl:slot7 while the logical ap_id could be system:slot7. Another example, the third receptacle on the second PCI I/O bus on a system could have a logical ap_id of pci2:plug3.
Attachment points may also be created dynamically. A dynamic attachment point is named relative to a base attachment point which is present in the system. ap_ids for dynamic attachment points consist of a base component followed by two colons (::) and a dynamic
component. The base component is the base attachment point ap_id. The dynamic component is hardware specific and generated by the corresponding hardware specific library.
For example, consider a base attachment point, which represents a SCSI HBA, with the physical ap_id /devices/sbus@1f,0/SUNW,fas@e,8800000:scsi and logical ap_id c0 . A disk attached to this SCSI HBA
could be represented by a dynamic attachment point with logical ap_id c0::dsk/c0t0d0 where c0 is the base component and dsk/c0t0d0 is the hardware specific dynamic component. Similarly the physical ap_id for
this dynamic attachment point would be: /devices/sbus@1f,0/SUNW,fas@e,8800000:scsi::dsk/c0t0d0
An ap_type is a partial form of a logical ap_id that can be ambiguous and not specify a particular attachment point. An ap_type is a substring of the portion of the logical ap_id up to but not including the
colon (:) separator. For example, an ap_type of pci would show all attachment points whose logical ap_ids begin with pci.
The use of ap_types is discouraged. The new select sub-option to the -s option provides a more general and flexible mechanism for selecting attachment points. See OPTIONS.
The cfgadm command interacts primarily with hardware dependent functions contained in hardware specific libraries and thus its behavior is hardware dependent.
For each configuration administration operation a service interruption can be required. Should the completion of the function requested require a noticeable service interruption to interactive users, a prompt is output on the standard error output for confirmation on the standard input before the
function is started. Confirmation can be overridden using the -y or -n options to always answer yes or no respectively. Hardware specific options, such as test level, are supplied as sub-options using the -o option.
Operations that change the state of the system configuration are audited by the system log daemon syslogd(1M).
The arguments for this command conform to the getopt(3C) and getsubopt(3C) syntax convention.