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System Administration Commandssyseventadm(1M)


 syseventadm - sysevent event specification administration


 syseventadm add [-R rootdir] [-v vendor] [-p publisher] [-c class] [-s subclass] [-u username] path [args]
 syseventadm remove [-R rootdir] [-v vendor] [-p publisher] [-c class] [-s subclass] [-u username] [path [args] ]
 syseventadm list [-R rootdir] [-v vendor] [-p publisher] [-c class] [-s subclass] [-u username] [path [args] ]
 syseventadm restart



The syseventadm command is an administrative front-end to add, remove and list sysevent event handlers. syseventadm can only be run by root.

The syseventadm add command adds a handler for a sysevent event specified by at least one of vendor, publisher or class. If class is specified, it may be qualified with a sub-class. Only the values specified for vendor, publisher, class and sub-class when adding the handler are matched against sysevent events to determine if the specification matches the event and the handler should be run. path is the full pathname of the command to be run in response to matching events, with optional arguments (args). If username is specified, the command is invoked as user username, otherwise as root.

The syseventadm remove command removes handlers for matching sysevent event specifications. Event specifications may be matched by specifying at least one of vendor, publisher, class, username or path. If class is specified, it may be qualified with a sub-class. Any of vendor, publisher, class, sub-class, username, path or args not specified match the corresponding fields of all events. Handlers for all matching specifications are removed.

The syseventadm list command lists the handlers for matching sysevent event specifications using the same match criteria as the remove command but without the requirement that at least one of vendor, publisher, class, username or path be specified. With no match criteria, all specifications are listed. The list command output format is: [vendor=vendor] [publisher=publisher] [class=class] [subclass=subclass] [username=username] path [args] where each of class, sub-class, vendor, publisher and username is listed only if part of the match criteria for the listed specification.

The syseventadm restart command informs the syseventd daemon to reread the sysevent registry after a change has been made by adding or removing one or more sysevent handler specifications.

Argument Macro Substitution


The sysevent handling facility provides extensive macro capability for constructing the command line arguments to be executed in response to an event. Macro expansion applies only to the command line args specified for an event handler, with macros expanded with data from the event itself. Pre-defined macros are provided for the event class, subclass, publisher and vendor information. Macros not matching one of the pre-defined macro names cause the attribute list attached to the event to be searched for an attribute of that name, with the value of the matching attribute substituted on the command line.

Macros are introduced by the $ character, with the macro name being the following token separated by a SPACE or TAB character. If the macro name is embedded in text, it may be delineated by ${ and }. A \ before the $ causes macro expansion not to occur.

The class string defining the event
The publisher string defining the event
The sequence number of the event.
The subclass string defining the event
The timestamp of the event.
The vendor string defining the event

Macro names other than those pre-defined are compared against the attribute list provided with the event. An attribute with name matching the macro name causes the value of the attribute to be substituted as ASCII text on the generated command line.

Use of a macro for which no attribute with that name is defined, or for which multiple attributes with that name are provided, cause an error and the command is not invoked.

Attributes with signed data types (DATA_TYPE_INT16, DATA_TYPE_INT32 and DATA_TYPE_INT64) are expanded as decimal digits.

Attributes with unsigned data types (DATA_TYPE_BYTE, DATA_TYPE_UINT16, DATA_TYPE_UINT32, DATA_TYPE_UINT64 and DATA_TYPE_HTTIME) are expanded as hexadecimal digits with a 0x prefix.

Attributes with string data type (DATA_TYPE_STRING) are expanded with the string data. The data is not quoted. If if it desired that the quoted strings be generated on the command line, put quotes around the macro call in the arguments.

Array types are expanded with each element expanded as defined for that scalar type, with a space separating each element substitution.



The following options are supported:

-c class
The string specifying the event class.
-p publisher
The string specifying the event publisher.
-R rootdir
Cause syseventadm to use an alternate root path rootdir.
-s subclass
The string specifying the event subclass.
-u username
The user under which the command is to be invoked.
-v vendor
The string specifying the vendor defining the event. Events defined by third-party software should use the company's stock symbol. Sun-defined events use SUNW.



The following operands are supported:

Command arguments
Full path of command to be run in response to event


 Example 1. Adding an Event Handler

The following example adds an event handler for an event defined by vendor SUNW, class EC_ENV and sub-class ESC_ENV_TEMP. The command to be run is /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp, with arguments being the class name, sub-class name and pathname derived from the event attributes. The $ characters are preceded by a backslash to circumvent shell interpretation. There is no need to restart the service after the change since the registry is maintained on $ALTROOT.

# syseventadm add -R \$ALTROOT -v SUNW -c EC_ENV -s ESC_ENV_TEMP
     /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp \$class \$subclass \$pathname
Example 2. Removing an Event Handler

The following example removes the event handler added in Example 1.

# syseventadm remove -R \$ALTROOT -v SUNW -c EC_ENV -s ESC_ENV_TEMP
     /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp \${class} \${subclass} \${pathname}
Example 3. Listing Event Handlers

The following example lists all event handlers for events of class EC_ENV, subclass ESC_ENV_TEMP, as defined by vendor SUNW:

# syseventadm list -v SUNW -c EC_ENV -s ESC_ENV_TEMP
     vendor=SUNW class=EC_ENV subclass=ESC_ENV_TEMP
     /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp \${class} \${subclass} \${pathname}
Example 4. Listing Event Handlers

The following example lists all event handlers defined by vendor VRTS.

# syseventadm list -v VRTS
Example 5. Removing Event Handlers

The following example removes all event handlers defined by vendor VRTS, and restarts service.

# syseventadm remove -v VRTS
# syseventadm restart
Example 6. Listing All Event Handlers Specified to Run a Command

The following example lists all event handlers specified to run the command /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp:

# syseventadm list /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp
Example 7. Removing Event Handlers and Restarting Service

The following example removes all event handlers specified to run the command /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp, and restarts service:

# syseventadm remove /opt/SUNWenv/bin/ec_env_temp
# syseventadm restart



The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion.
No matching event specification found (remove or list commands only)
Incorrect command usage.
Permission denied.
Command failed.
Out of memory



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:




syseventd(1M), attributes(5)



To avoid upgrade problems, packages delivering a sysevent event handler should install the event handler by running syseventadm from the package's postinstall script. The event handler can then be removed by running syseventadm from the package's preremove script using the same arguments as when added.

SunOS 5.9Go To TopLast Changed 21 May 2001

Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.