The listing functions enables you to retrieve the names and the description of components in a system. You may also list components by class that match a specified criteria. The listing functions
retrieve the set of language mappings installed for a specified component, retrieve class name strings for all groups in a component, retrieve a list of groups within a component, and retrieve the properties
for one or more attributes in a group.
The DmiListComponents() function retrieves the name and (optionally) the description of components in a system. Use this to interrogate a system to determine what components are
installed. The argin parameter is an instance of a DmiListComponentsIN structure containing the following members:
DmiHandle_t handle; /* an open session handle */
DmiRequestMode_t requestMode; /* Unique, first, or next */
DmiUnsigned_t maxCount; /* maximum number to return,
0 for all */
DmiBoolean_t getPragma; /* get optional pragma string */
DmiBoolean_t getDescription; /* get optional component
description */
DmiId_t compId; /* component ID to start with */
The result parameter is a pointer to a DmiListComponentsOUT structure containing the following members:
DmiErrorStatus_t error_status;
DmiComponentList_t *reply; /* list of components */
An enumeration accesses a specific component or may be used to sequentially access all components in a system. The caller may choose not to retrieve the component description by setting the value getDescription to false. The caller may choose not to retrieve the pragma string by setting the value of gutta-percha to false. The maxCount, requestMode,
and compId parameters allow the caller to control the information returned by the Service Provider. When the requestMode is DMI_UNIQUE, compId specifies the first component requested (or only component if maxCount is one). When the requestMode is DMI_NEXT, compId specifies the component just before the one requested. When requestMode is DMI_FIRST, compId is unused.
To control the amount of information returned, the caller sets maxCount to something other than zero. The service provider must honor this limit on the amount of information returned.
When maxCount is 0 the service provider returns information for all components, subject to the constraints imposed by requestMode and compId.
The DmiListComponentsByClass() function lists components that match specified criteria. Use this function to determine if a component contains a certain group or a certain row
in a table. A filter condition may be that a component contains a specified group class name or that it contains a specific row in a specific group. As with DmiListComponents(), the
description and pragma strings are optional return values. argin is an instance of a DmiListComponentsByClassIN structure containing the following members:
DmiHandle_t handle; /* an open session handle */
DmiRequestMode_t requestMode; /* Unique, first or next */
DmiUnsigned_t maxCount; /* maximum number to return,
or 0 for all */
DmiBoolean_t getPragma; /* get the optional pragma
string */
DmiBoolean_t getDescription; /* get optional component
description */
DmiId_t compId; /* component ID to start with */
DmiString_t *className; /* group class name string
to match*/
DmiAttributeValues_t *keyList; /* group row keys to match */
The result parameter is a pointer to a DmiListComponentsbyClassOUT structure containing the following members:
DmiErrorStatus_t error_status;
DmiComponentList_t *reply; /* list of components */
The DmiListLanguages() function retrieves the set of language mappings installed for the specified component. The argin parameter is an instance of a DmiListLanguagesIN structure containing the following members:
DmiHandle_t handle; /* An open session handle */
DmiUnsigned_t maxCount; /* maximum number to return,
or 0 for all */
DmiId_t compId; /* Component to access */
The result parameter is a pointer to a DmiListLanguagesOUT structure containing the following members:
DmiErrorStatus_t error_status;
DmiStringList_t *reply; /* List of language strings */
The DmiListClassNames() function retrieves the class name strings for all groups in a component. This enables the management application to easily determine if a component contains
a specific group, or groups. The argin parameter is an instance of a DmiListClassNamesIN structure containing the following members:
DmiHandle_t handle; /* An open session handle */
DmiUnsigned_t maxCount; /* maximum number to return,
or 0 for all */
DmiId_t compId; /* Component to access */
The result parameter is a pointer to a DmiListClassNamesOUT structure containing the following members:
DmiErrorStatus_t error_status;
DmiClassNameList_t *reply; /* List of class names and
group IDs */
The DmiListGroups() function retrieves a list of groups within a component. With this function you can access a specific group or sequentially access all groups in a component.
All enumerations of groups occur within the specified component and do not span components. The argin parameter is an instance of a DmiListGroupsIN structure containing
the following members:
DmiHandle_t handle; /* An open session handle */
DmiRequestMode_t requestMode; /* Unique, first or next group */
DmiUnsigned_t maxCount; /* Maximum number to return,
or 0 for all */
DmiBoolean_t getPragma; /* Get the optional pragma string */
DmiBoolean_t getDescription; /* Get optional group description */
DmiId_t compId; /* Component to access */
DmiId_t groupId; /* Group to start with, refer to
requestMode */
The result parameter is a pointer to a DmiListGroupsOUT structure containing the following members:
DmiErrorStatus_t error_status;
DmiGroupList_t *reply;
The caller may choose not to retrieve the group description by setting the value getDescription to false. The caller may choose not to retrieve the pragma string by setting the
value of getPragma to false. The maxCount, requestMode, and groupId parameters allow the caller to control the information returned
by the Service Provider. When the requestMode is DMI_UNIQUE, groupId specifies the first group requested (or only group if maxCount
is one). When the requestMode is DMI_NEXT, groupId specifies the group just before the one requested. When requestMode is DMI_FIRST, groupId is unused. To control the amount of information returned, the caller sets maxCount to something other than zero. The service provider
must honor this limit on the amount of information returned. When maxCount is zero the service provider returns information for all groups, subject to the constraints imposed by requestMode and groupId.
The DmiListAttributes() function retrieves the properties for one or more attributes in a group. All enumerations of attributes occur within the specified group, and do not span
groups. The argin parameter is an instance of a DmiListAttributesIN structure containing the following members:
DmiHandle_t handle; /* An open session handle */
DmiRequestMode_t requestMode; /* Unique, first or next group */
DmiUnsigned_t maxCount; /* Maximum number to return,
or 0 for all */
DmiBoolean_t getPragma; /* Get the optional pragma string */
DmiBoolean_t getDescription; /* Get optional group description */
DmiId_t compId; /* Component to access */
DmiId_t groupId; /* Group to access */
DmiId_t attribId; /* Attribute to start with, refer
to requestMode */
The result parameter is a pointer to a DmiListAttributesOUT structure containing the following members:
DmiErrorStatus_t error_status;
DmiAttributeList_t *reply; /* List of attrbutes */
You may choose not to retrieve the description string by setting the value of getDescription to false. Likewise, you may choose not to retrieve the pragma string by setting the
value of getPragma to false. The maxCount, requestMode, and attribId parameters allow you to control the information returned
by the Service Provider. When the requestMode is DMI_UNIQUE, attribId specifies the first attribute requested (or only attribute if maxCount is one). When the requestMode is DMI_NEXT, attribId specifies the attribute just before the one requested. When requestMode is DMI_FIRST, attribId is unused. To control the amount of information returned, the caller sets maxCount to something other than zero.
The Service Provider must honor this limit on the amount of information returned. When maxCount is zero the service provider returns information for all attributes, subject to the
constraints imposed by requestMode and attribId.