cc [flag ...] file ... -lpicltree [library ...] #include <picltree.h>
The ptree_create_and_add_node() function creates a node with the name and PICL class specified by name and classname respectively. It then adds the node as a a child to the node specified by parh. The handle of the new node is returned in nodeh.
Upon successful completion, 0 is returned. On failure, a non-negative integer is returned to indicate an error.
PICL_STALEHANDLE is returned if the handle is no longer valid. This occurs if the PICL tree was refreshed or reinitialized.
PICL_INVALIDHANDLE is returned if the specified handle never existed.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
ptree_create_node(3PICLTREE), ptree_add_node(3PICLTREE), attributes(5)