The cgfourteen device driver controls the video SIMM (VSIMM) component of the video and graphics subsystem of the Desktop SPARCsystems with SX graphics option. The VSIMM provides
24-bit truecolor visuals in a variety of screen resolutions and pixel depths.
The driver supports multi-threaded applications and has an interface accessible through mmap(2). The user must have an effective user ID of 0 to be able to write to the control space of the cgfourteen device.
There are eight distinct physical spaces the user may map, in addition to the control space. The mappings are set up by giving the desired offset to the mmap(2) call.
The cgfourteen device supports the standard frame buffer interface as defined in fbio(7I).
The cgfourteen device can serve as a system console device.
See /usr/include/sys/cg14io.h for other device-specific information.