In addition to being logged, the following messages may appear on the system console:
ddi_get_iblock_cookie failed
- The driver could not obtain the interrupt cookie; the attach may fail.
Drive not ready before set_features
- Indicates a fatal problem; the drives are not ready to be programmed and features cannot be set. (During the driver initialization process, the driver must set the features for the drive, including dma and pio.)
Interrupt not seen after set_features
- Indicates a fatal problem with the drive; features could not be set.
ata_controller - set features failed
- Indicates a fatal problem with the drive; features could not be set.
? target <number> lun 0
- Displayed at boot up time to indicate that the target <number> was identified, where <number> is a decimal
- Residual number of bytes in data transfer and the I/O operation could not be finished completely.
ghd_timer_newstate: HBA reset failed
- Generally indicates a fatal condition; I/O operation could not be completed following reset of the channel.
timeout: <message> chno =<number> target=<number>
- A timeout occured because of <message> on device (target=<number>) on channel (chno =<number). Where <message> could be either early abort, early timeout, abort request, abort device, reset
target or reset bus.
ata_controller - Drive not ready before command <number>
- The drive did not respond before issuing the command <number> to the controller; command <number> will not be issued to the drive. (<number> is the hexadecimal opcode for the sleep or standby commands, which are issued when the drive transitions between power management states.)
ata_controller - Command <number> failed
- Command <number> failed on the drive. (<number> is the
hexadecimal opcode for the sleep or standby commands, which are issued when the drive transitions between power management states.)
ata_controller - Command <number> returned error
- Command <number> returned error. (<number>
is the hexadecimal opcode for the sleep or standby commands, which are issued when the drive transitions between power management states.)
ata_controller - Cannot take drive <number> to sleep
- The disk will not transition to sleep state. (Indicates that the driver could not set the device to sleep mode while performing power management functions.)
ata_controller - Cannot reset secondary/primary channel
- The disk will not transition from sleep to active state.
ata_controller - Unsupported Controller Vendor 0x13d0, Device 0x43f1, Revision 0x034
- An unsupported ata controller was found on the system and prints <ID>, device id and revision of the controller,
where <ID> represents the hexidecimal vendor ID.
These messages are informational and indicate that a timeout occured for a I/O request. The uata driver recovers from these states automatically unless there is a fatal error.