Future releases of Solaris will provide this function for binary and source compatibility. However, for increased functionality, use devmap(9E) instead. See devmap(9E) for details.
The ddi_mapdev_set_device_acc_attr() function assigns device access attributes to a range of device memory in the register set given by rnumber.
*accattrp defines the device access attributes. See ddi_device_acc_attr(9S) for more details.
mapping_handle is a mapping handle returned from a call to ddi_mapdev(9F).
The range to be affected is defined by the offset and len arguments. Requests affect the entire page containing the offset and
all pages up to and including the page containing the last byte as indicated by offset+len. Supplying a value of 0 for the len argument affects all addresses from the offset to the end of the mapping. Supplying a value of 0 for the offset argument and
a value of 0 for the len argument affect all addresses in the mapping.