The lastcomm command gives information on previously
executed commands. lastcomm with no arguments displays
information about all the commands recorded during the current accounting
file's lifetime. If called with arguments, lastcomm only
displays accounting entries with a matching command-name, user-name, or terminal-name. If
extended process accounting is active (see acctadm(1M)) and is recording the appropriate
data items, lastcomm attempts to take data from the current
extended process accounting file. If standard process accounting is active, lastcomm takes data from the current standard accounting file
(see acct(2)).
If terminal-name is `- -',
there was no controlling TTY for the process.
The process was probably executed during boot time. If terminal-name is `??', the controlling TTY could not be decoded into a printable name.
For each process entry, lastcomm displays the following
items of information:
- The command name under which the process was called.
- One or more flags indicating special information
about the process. The flags have the following meanings:
- The process performed a fork but not
an exec.
- The process
ran as a set-user-id program.
- The name of the user who ran the process.
- The terminal which the user was logged in on
at the time (if applicable).
- The amount of CPU
time used by the process (in seconds).
- The date and time the process exited.