Solaris Print Manager is a Java-based graphical user interface that enables you to manage local and remote printer access. This tool can be used in the following name service environments: LDAP,
NIS, NIS+, NIS+ with Federated Naming Service (FNS), and files. You must be logged in as superuser to use this tool.
Using Solaris Printer Manager is the preferred method for managing printer access instead of admintool:printers because Solaris Print Manager centralizes printer information when it is used in a name service environment.
Adding printer information to a name service makes access to printers available to all systems on the network and generally makes printer administration easier because all the information about printers is centralized.
Solaris Print Manager may be run on a remote system with the display sent to the local system. See theSystem Administration Guide: Advanced Administration for instructions on setting the DISPLAY environment
Using Solaris Print Manager to perform printer-related tasks automatically updates the appropriate printer databases. Solaris Print Manager also includes a command-line console that displays the lp command line for the add, modify, and delete printer operations. Errors and warnings
may also be displayed when Printer Manager operations are performed.
Help is available by clicking the Help button.