| D
- daemons
- in.iked
, ,  - in.ndpd
,  - in.ripngd
,  - inetd Internet services
,  - IPv6
,  - network configuration server booting protocols
,  - turning on network configuration daemons
, , 
- data communications
, ,  - packet life cycle
, , 
- data encapsulation
- definition
,  - TCP/IP protocol stack and
, , 
- data-link layer
- framing
,  - OSI
,  - packet life cycle
- receiving host
,  - sending host
, , 
- datagrams
- IP header
,  - IP protocol formatting
,  - packet process
,  - UDP protocol functions
- decimal to binary conversion
- DEFAULT_IP variable
- default mobile node
- Mobile IP Address section
,  - Mobile IP Address section
- defaultdomain file
- deleting for network client mode
,  - description
,  - local files mode configuration
- defaultrouter file
- automatic router protocol selection and
,  - description
, ,  - local files mode configuration
,  - network client mode configuration
,  - specifying router for network client
- deprecated attribute
- ifconfig command
- deprecated parameter
- IPv4 test address
- deregistration
- Mobile IP
, , , , 
- DES credentials, and DHCP
- DES encryption algorithm
- designing the network
- domain name selection
,  - IP addressing scheme
, ,  - naming hosts
,  - overview
, ,  - subnetting
- destination address field
- IPv6 header
- destination options field
- IPv6 extension header
- detecting physical interface failure
- detecting physical interface repairs
- /dev/ipsecah file
- /dev/ipsecesp file
- DHCP client
- client ID
,  - configuring
,  - diskless
,  - displaying interface status
,  - dropping IP address
,  - host name generation
,  - incorrect configuration
,  - installation
,  - management
,  - management of network interface
,  - multiple network interfaces
,  - option information
,  - overview
,  - parameters
,  - releasing IP address
,  - requesting configuration only
,  - requesting lease extension
,  - running in debug mode
,  - sample output
- shutdown
,  - starting
,  - startup
,  - testing interface
,  - troubleshooting
,  - unconfiguring
- DHCP command-line utilities
- DHCP Configuration Wizard
- about
,  - for BOOTP relay agent
- DHCP data store
- overview
- DHCP data store, choosing
- DHCP lease
- and reserved IP addresses
,  - dynamic and permanent
,  - expiration time
,  - negotiation
,  - policy
,  - time
- DHCP macros
- automatic processing
,  - categories
,  - configuration
,  - creating
,  - default
,  - deleting
,  - for network booting
,  - for Solaris install
,  - Locale macro
,  - modifying
,  - network address macro
,  - order processed
,  - overview
,  - server macro
,  - viewing
,  - working with
- DHCP Manager
- description
,  - features
,  - menus
,  - starting
,  - stopping
,  - window and tabs
- DHCP network tables
- created during server configuration
,  - description
,  - removing when unconfiguring
- DHCP Network Wizard
- DHCP networks
- adding to DHCP service
- with DHCP Manager
,  - with dhcpconfig -N
- modifying
,  - removing from DHCP service
- DHCP options
- creating
,  - deleting
,  - for Solaris installation
,  - modifying
,  - overview
,  - properties
,  - working with
- DHCP protocol
- advantages in Solaris implementation
,  - overview
,  - sequence of events
- DHCP server
- configuration
- information gathered
,  - overview
- configuring
- with DHCP Manager
,  - with dhcpconfig
- data store
,  - functions
,  - how many to configure
,  - management
,  - options
, ,  - planning for multiple
,  - running in debug mode
,  - sample output
- selecting
,  - troubleshooting
- DHCP service
- adding networks to
,  - and network topology
,  - cache offer time
,  - enabling and disabling
- effects of
,  - with DHCP Manager
- error messages
, ,  - IP address allocation
,  - IP addresses
- adding
,  - modifying properties
,  - removing
,  - reserving for client
,  - unusable
- logging
- overview
,  - transactions
- modifying service options
,  - network configuration overview
,  - network interface monitoring
,  - planning
,  - Solaris network boot and install
,  - starting and stopping
- effects of
,  - with commands
,  - with DHCP Manager
- supporting BOOTP clients
,  - unconfiguring
,  - with DHCP Manager
- dhcpagent daemon
, ,  - debug mode
- dhcpconfig command
- description
,  - features
- dhcpinfo command, description
- dhcpmgr command, description
- dhcpsvc.conf file
- dhcptab table
,  - description
,  - overview
- dhcptab table
- reading automatically
- dhcptab table
- removing when unconfiguring
- dhcptags file
- dhtadm command
- creating macros with
,  - creating options with
,  - deleting macros with
,  - deleting options with
,  - description
,  - modifying macros with
,  - modifying options with
,  - using in script
- digital signatures
,  - RSA
, , 
- diskless client
- DHCP support of
- AAAA records
, , ,  - adding IPv6 addresses
,  - IPv6 extensions to
,  - PTR records
,  - reverse zone file
,  - zone file
- domain name system (DNS)
- description
,  - domain name registration
, ,  - network databases
, ,  - selecting as name service
- domain names
- /etc/defaultdomain file
, , ,  - registration
, ,  - selecting
,  - top-level domains
- dotted-decimal format
- dropped or lost packets
, , 
- DSS authentication algorithm
- dual-stack
- IPv6
, , , 
- duplicate address detection
- algorithm
,  - in DHCP service
,  - IPv6
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- See DHCP protocol
- dynamic interfaces
- agent advertisement over
, , 
- dynamic reconfiguration
- multipathing
- dynamic routing
| |